Chapter 3

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 Hello, readers!

Maybe I should've added this first authors note in the Prologue, but oh well. I've been a fan of the Inheritance Cycle for years now - I don't even know how long, and I've had this story idea in my head for a while now. One weekend I decided to sit down and actually write it and I got the prologue and two chapters down. After that, I was busy with school and unable to continue writing. After you guys commented, and liked, and voted for this story though, has convinced me to come back to this story and I want to thank all of you who read this. This is my first ever fanfiction of anything, and so far I think I'm doing a pretty good job. I've been working up my writing skills for three years on Tumblr by Roleplaying, haha.

 But anyway, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who reads this!

-Rhea c: (aka. shurtugxl)

And onto Chapter 3! Enjoy!

        Isame watched Merrik as he and his dragon spent time alone. Merrik was lying down on his bed mat, the black dragon sitting on it's haunches on his stomach. The boy continuously laughed and smiled as he talked to the dragon, and to Ismae's surprise, the dragon responded likewise. She knew that dragons were smart, wise even, but didn't know that they were like that at only a day old.

        But as she looked on at Merrik and his dragon, she felt sorrow. Her egg had not done anything since the time she first placed her hand on it. It had rocked slightly then, but had moved no more. She wondered if it was a mistake on the elves' part, and the egg had only moved out of an accident and had not bonded to her. But the egg was warm as she pressed it up against her stomach, hugging it there to reassure herself that the creature inside was alive. It's warmth was the only thing keeping Isame hopeful that it would hatch.

        "I'm going to wash." She spoke suddenly, standing from her mat, egg still in hand. Merrik paid her no mind, nor did Alia who was having a silent conversation with El'nil. Only Glenwing heard her, and nodded before going back to a book he was reading.

        They had landed in the afternoon, on the coast. Glenwing had decided that it was better to arrive in the morning then late afternoon and guided the group down to land. When they had landed, Glenwing had pointed out a small river not far from where they had set up for the night. Seeing as she had not washed herself in a week, Ismae was glad to just soak herself in the cool water for awhile. She unclothed herself, placing them on a nearby rock, and placed the dragon egg on the banks of the river. She didn't want to be any further from the egg then she had to. She feared that if she wasn't watching it, something would happen.

        Isame waded into the water, goose bumps appearing on her skin before she adjusted to the temperature change. Though it was colder then she would have liked, it still felt refreshing to bathe herself. She rubbed her light brown skin with water, washing off any dirt or grime stuck there. Ducking under the water, she got her hair wet. Normally, her curly, brown hair was just above her shoulders when it was dry. Now it stuck to them.

        She lay in the stream, her eyes closed for an uncertain amount of time when she heard something. Her eyes opened, and she feared the worst. But she saw nothing. Instead, she saw the egg that sat by the bank of the river shake. It almost rolled into the river, but Isame placed her hand on it, keeping it from the water. Excited, she climbed out of the river, and clothed herself, all the while keeping her honey eyes on the red-gold dragon egg.

        Sitting in the soft grass, she watched as the egg continued to rock back and forth, small cracks appearing in it's shell. It did that for almost an hour. Was the dragon inside having trouble getting out? Merrik's dragon had only taken a few minutes to emerge from it's egg. Isame reached for the egg, intending to pick off some pieces of shell to help the dragon, but then the egg burst. Pieces of shell flew in all directions, some hitting her face, others landing in the stream and now floating down it.

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