Chapter 6

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Hello Guys!

Thank you for the corrections and comments last chapter! Please keep doing that! I love you guys!

The photo I posted above is of Ismae. Having a photo really helps me to visualize her so if any of you guys are like me, here ya go! She obviously isn't wearing those clothes, but everything else is spot on. Next chapter will be a photo of her dragon!

Enjoy Chapter 6!

- Rhea (aka. shurtugxl )

A month passed like that. Everyday, Ismae and her dragon would go to train with Myrianí and Iormúngr for most of the day. After that they were aloud to do as they pleased. Sometimes she wandered the city, but most of the time she and Merrik studied together. They would compare what they had learned and helped the other study for the next day. Though the schooling was rigorous, and Ismae was expected to learn so much in such a short amount of time, she was having fun.

When she was little, she had always wanted to go to Terim or to Iliera and go to school to learn about everything. Her father had always put her down though, calling her dumb, and unable to understand anything they would teach her. Eventually, she gave up on that dream but now she was actually living it.

But her dragon had grown much more then she had in the past month. His shoulders were now at her mid-torso, and their eyes met evenly. A week and a half ago he had started saying her name. 'Ismae,' he would say in response to anything she said. 'Ismae.' Once she had gotten so annoyed with it that she asked him to stop, so he did. He didn't send anything over their bond for two days. It was terrible and Ismae had to beg him to open up to her again. Only a few days ago did he introduce more words into his vocabulary, and each day it expanded. It helped that Ismae constantly talked to him, explaining any words he did not understand.

'Ismae. It is time for you to wake. We have training,' Came the voice in her head as a scaled muzzle hit her stomach.

"Stop it, dragon. I'm trying to sleep." She replied, pulling the blankets over her head. That did nothing to stop the voice in her head and the continuous nudging.

'If we are late, Myrianí and Iormúngr will be angry.' He replied. Ismae groaned before throwing the covers off of her and climbing out of the impression in the ground. "Alright. You win." The dragon trumpeted happily, climbing out behind her. When he had gotten to big for them to comfortably fit in Ismae's bed, he had moved to the dragon bed, but Isame missed the warmth that his body gave off and moved as well.

Her dragon had started flying two weeks after they had arrived. He had started by gliding down from places, but soon he started to use his wings to get up to places as well. For a half hour each day, Ismae watched as her dragon danced in the sky. She only wished time would move faster so she could be up there with him.

It didn't take long for Ismae to ready herself, so the two were in the training hall within the hour. When they entered, Ismae recited the elven greeting perfectly, having said it every day for the past month, her dragon following the same custom.

Myrianí then turned to Ismae's dragon. "Do you think you'll pick a name today?" For the past three days, Ismae had been suggesting names to her dragon. Myrianí and Iormúngr had even offered a few, but none seemed to satisfy him.

"Rhys?" Ismae asked. Her dragon huffed; a no.

"Vulas?" She tried. Again, her dragon declined.

"How about In'jros? Or Esterni? Or Garjzla or Istalri ?" She even suggested a few from the Ancient Language. He turned down all four.

"A'zántys?" As Ismae uttered the name, something clicked. A happiness spread through her dragon and into her.

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