Chapter 5

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        They arrived in Arucane by mid-day. The company had woken after a much needed good night's rest and had eaten a good breakfast. While on their way to Doru Areaba, they had eaten dried bread and water from a nearby stream. While at dinner, Ismae had asked why there was no meat at the table, and with a slight smile, Glenwing had replied that elves did not eat meat, nor did many riders. When asked why, he simply stated that she would find out soon, and he dropped the subject. The dragons ate their fill of meat, however, the hatchlings having been given small strips of dried jerky. The breakfast was delicious though. Their plates were colorful, as it was covered in various amounts of fruits and berries and leaves and cooked delights that Ismae had never seen before. It was the best meal in her life.

        The city was bustling with life. People of all ages filled the streets, many with dragons of various sizes, colors, and genders. Some looked to be much larger then El'nil and Soreth combined. Dragons roaring could be heard, as well as laughter, yelling, and the sound of metal clashing together in battle.

        As Ismae looked on at the city, she couldn't help but smile. This would be her and Merrik's home for the next several years. This is where she and her dragon would grow and become Dragon Riders.

        "We shall get you settled in rooms and from there you will be assigned an Ebrithil, a Master," Glenwing spoke as they walked down the streets. "This Elder Dragon Rider will teach you for the next several years. As of right now, Ismae and Merrik, you are known as Apprentices. When you graduate your training will you become full fledged Dragon Riders."

        The two friends looked at each other and smiled. They got their rooms quickly, cleaned up, and put on fresh and clean clothing before meeting Glenwing and Alia outside again. The elves led them to another building, one much larger and magnificent then the Greeting Hall in Doru Araeba. It had several wings leading off the main body, and several large doors and openings in the roofs to accommodate dragons. They were lead into an empty room with only a long table sitting at the end of the room. Eight chairs faced the two elves and two humans, a person sitting in each one, and a dragon behind them.

        "We leave you now. Good luck," Glenwing put a hand on Isame and Merrik's shoulders and smiled widely. "I hope we meet again in the future." Alia simply nodded. She was not one for many words. With that, their companions left the hall and the doors closed behind them.

        "Names, please." One of the older men spoke. Eight pairs of eyes stared on at the new Apprentices, judging and assessing them by every move they made, every word they spoke.

        "Merrik Greyson." He said first.

        "Ismae." She refused to utter her last name. Garrettsdottir. It connected her to the little turnip farm four miles outside of Belatona, and she wanted to cut all ties with that place. Here, she was just Ismae. Just another rider-in-training. The elf rose his brow at her name, but didn't comment.

        "I am Oromis, and this is Glaedr." The large golden dragon behind him nodded his head slightly. "Do you know why you stand before us today?" He asked them, his voice echoing through the hall. He sat in the center of the table, and was the leader of the group.

        "We're to be assigned a Master who will train us." Merrik spoke.

        "You are correct, young one. We want to make a match most optimal to both the budding rider and the teacher. It would not do well if an apprentice and teacher were to constantly fight, would it?" A small smile turned up his lips. "You will perform an aptitude of tests and by mid-day tomorrow will you know who your teacher is," He continued.

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