Chapter 7

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        Her heart was pounding so hard she could hear it in her own ears. It seamed to drown out whatever Myrianí was saying. It was all Ismae could focus on.

        Bum-bum. Bum-bum. Bum-bum.

        Her heart wouldn't slow down.

        'Calm yourself, Ismae,' A'zántys said over their bond. 'There is nothing to worry about.' With that, the dragon sent over feelings of calmness and they overwhelmed Ismae's own nervousness.

        'R- Right," She replied, taking in a deep breath.

        "—cause of his different body type, this one is specially crafted to A'zántys. The two straps will cross, keeping the saddle on his back. Hopefully this one will work," Myrianí said.

        Ismae nodded and took the saddle in her arms, surprised to find that it was light-weight. For several days they had been trying out different saddles of A'zántys. Considering his abnormal body shape, they couldn't make the usual saddle for him. This was their fifth one, and Ismae hoped that it would work as much as she didn't.

        A'zántys grew fast. He was now twice the size he was two weeks ago, and abnormally fast growing rate, but no one knew why. He was now strong enough and big enough to carry his rider on his back. Going flying with her dragon was something Ismae had wished for since she first saw him fly, but the thought of it also made her stomach sink like a rock. A'zántys had shared several of his flights with her through their bond, and even though she had been sitting on the ground, her stomach had tumbled enough to where she had to regurgitate her lunch. Even her flight here with Glenwing and Alia hadn't been all that pleasant.

        She placed the saddle on his back and linked the straps, her fingers lingering on his scales for a moment before A'zántys crouched down, low enough for Ismae to climb into the saddle. It was a soft leathery saddle that very nearly mimicked a simple horse's. It rose behind her rear and in the front. Straps were on the side as well for her to bind her legs to so she wouldn't fall off. Not to mention it was lightweight; adding to his speed in the air. All in all, the best one yet.

        "Now walk around and see how this saddle compares to the other ones," Myrianí spoke as Ismae's dragon rose to his full height and started walking. As  claws connected with the stone floor, a clink could be heard. He reared up on his hind legs and stirred the air with his wings, and the saddle stayed. Ismae, however, wrapped her arms around her dragon's neck as he reared. She was frightened she'd fall off.

        'I believe this is a suitable design,' Iormúngr said after the saddle hadn't moved at all. 'You can fly now, A'zántys.'

        The deformed dragon walked to the edge of the cliff, a chasm now below them. It would be a long and dangerous fall if they were to made a mistake. They could feel their masters eyes on them.

        'Are you ready, Ismae?' A'zántys spoke softly. 'It is not —'

        "Go. Just go before I lose my nerve and jump off your back right now." She interrupted, her cold fingers on the warm, rough scales of his neck.

        With a growl, the dragon reared, spread his red-black, leathery wings and fell off the edge of the cliff. He pulled his wings in as they fell towards rocky bottom of the canyon. The wind and air rushing past Ismae's face made her eyes water and her curly hair was blowing behind her. She tucked her body in as close to A'zántys as she could get, her fingers gripping the front of the saddle. Her heart once again raced in her ears. It was a thrill.

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