Chapter 8

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        Ismae and A'zántys stood in front of Master Oromis' gaze, neither daring to look in his eye. Ismae's honey eyes were pointed towards her feet, and A'zántys looked from his rider to Ramsay and Dren. A low growl shook his body as he gazed at the other Dragon Rider. This was their fault. This—

        "A'zántys," Master Oromis' voice echoed through the room. The growl died in the dragons chest and his red-orange eyes met Oromis' blue ones "Are you paying attention?"

        'Yes Master,' The dragon replied.

        "As I was saying; It is undoubtedly wrong for you to be fighting in the streets of Arucane. The Dragon Riders represent peace and prosperity. We cannot have fighting amongst our own ranks. Now tell me, what started this? Ismae?" Oromis looked towards the female Dragon Rider.

        "We met Ramsay when A'zántys and I were walking towards the Dining Hall. It was only our second week in Arucane. He, Dren, and their group of friends stood on the side of the street looking at A'zántys and I as we walked by. They snickered but we ignored them. Everyday after training, they were there. They started calling A'zántys a worm, and I a little bird who got the last worm," Ismae said, her eyes not leaving the spot on the floor.

        "A'zántys. Continue," Oromis spoke.

        'They have confronted us several times now. The first time words were exchanged and emotions became heated. Dren thought that I had threatened Ramsay and she attacked me, her teeth going into my chest. A Rider named Galbatorix stopped them and healed my wound with magic,' Oromis frowned at that. 'This time the same thing happened. I tried to get Ramsay away from Ismae and Dren overreacted.' Dren snarled at that, but silenced at the golden dragon's gaze. 'She barreled into me and I broke my wing. You healed it. Thank you, Master Oromis.'

        Oromis nodded once and then looked towards Ramsay. "Explain your role, Ramsay."

        "...Well she's new here. I wanted to show her the ropes. Dren and I were with our friends when we spotted her walking down the street. One of them noted her dragon's appearance and laughed. Everyday we stood there and laughed at her until that friend dared me to confront them. I did. The worm threatened me and Dren didn't want me to get hurt so she got him away from me. Galbatorix and his dragon showed up and we scattered. I stayed out of sight though and watched as he healed the worm's injuries. I knew that we would get into trouble if he was injured. Like he said, the same thing happened the second time," Ramsay recalled, a frown on his face the whole time.

        Oromis then turned to Dren. "You attacked another dragon because you believed he would hurt Ramsay? What caused you to believe this?"

        The dragoness growled. 'He got close to Ramsay, his teeth inches from his skin. One second and Ramsay could have been bleeding out over the stone. I will not let my rider get hurt, no matter the consequences my actions cause,' She said simply. She didn't regret at all what she did. A'zántys felt the same. If Ramsay had not backed off, he would have got him away from Ismae by any means necessary. 

        "While your love for your Rider is admirable, I am sure he can handle himself. If you protect him all of the time, he will not learn for himself," Oromis replied.

        'Yes, Master,' Dren replied, her head lowering.

        Oromis was silent as he processed all the information given to him by the four in front of him. It was obvious that they needed to be kept apart, or else they would end up clashing again and blood would spill.

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