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Two days had passed since the ceremony. That was when the air finally cleared and everyone had lost their energy. Pen had seen Xenia for the first two hours of it, but she'd disappeared after that. With her mate no doubt.

Speaking of mates...

Pen sat up and peered around the ceremonial grounds. Foxes lay everywhere, all still wearing their traditional clothing and ceremony and pride paint. They all looked exhausted, especially Gabe who had danced with so many girls Pen lost count.

She turned her head and found Bast still asleep on her lap. Typical... Pen shook her head and chuckled. Bast was on her back with one of Pen's legs wrapped around her torso, one arm holding onto her and the other sprawled out just as her legs were. She always seemed to want to take up as much space as possible when sleeping, much like a sleeping child.

Pen reached down and traced the line of Bast's eyebrows with her fingers. Bast let out a pur and a crooked grin as Pen moved her hand behind her ear and scratched there. She rubbed her fingernails gingerly over her firm abdomen with her other hand and giggled when Bast curled up into a ball around her leg. She nuzzled against it and smacked her lips a few times in utterly peaceful slumber.

"Careful. Cats don't really like their bellies scratched."

Pen turned her head and spotted Xenia walking in her ceremonial garb toward her. She yawned, scratching her belly, and then plopped down beside her. With a fond smile toward Bast, she sat back on her hands and turned toward Pen with a smug grin.

Pen easily chuckled, commenting, "Wow. Do all dominants look that pleased after their soul bonding?"

"I can't speak for others, but I can safely say I am very satisfied. For now, that is." Xenia winked at her, and then glanced at Bast for a moment. "She really took it all on headfirst, huh?" She looked back at Pen. "I... Thank you for accepting my invitation to become one of us, Pen. You both belong here."

"I'm feeling the same thing. We'll still have quite a bit to deal with in the future, but..." Pen continued to rub Bast's side and she purred even louder. "I think we can all move forward. Together."

"A pack is always stronger when together. And I promise to lead us all just as those before me and with the First Mother as my guide. Whatever comes, Kuba, Serafin, the Acciai, we can deal with it."

Pen smiled with ease and looked to the sky as the sun shone through the trees. Together, in their home, they would all bond into a pack that would carry each other to Wielki Las and beyond. Of that, Pen was content and sure.

Bound Trilogy: Bound: A Supernatural Story (WLW)Where stories live. Discover now