Chapter 3

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Phayu woke up to the alarm clock buzzing and the rain beating the roof. The window to the terrace was open and he knew that it meant Rain was standing on the balcony watching. He slowly rose from his side of the bed and placed one headphone into his ear, saving the other one for his partner. Wrapping himself into the blanket, he made his way onto the terrace, where he saw Rain holding two cups of coffee. 

"You're finally up!" Rain held out the full cup of coffee and Phayu took it, grazing his fingers against Rain's, which always made him shiver. 

"Did you sleep well?" Phayu gave his boyfriend a back hug, wrapping the blanket around him. "Aren't you cold?"

"Don't you know by now how much I love the rain? It's literally my name." Rain smiled and kissed Phayu on the cheek. "What about you? You kept tossing and turning in your sleep."

"I'm sorry. Did I wake you?" Phayu's heart sank. Rain had an exam today and he would hate being the reason he couldn't stay awake. Rain stroked Phayu's cheek.

"Are you ok?" Rain looked worried, which made him feel worse. "Is this about the little girl at the hospital?"

Phayu looked down at his feet. He couldn't seem to get himself to look into Rain's pleading eyes. He knew his boyfriend well, and Phayu was always the one that tried keeping it together. Sometimes he even had to pull Rain back a bit. Phayu chuckled to himself thinking of how angry and protective Rain gets when anyone tries to mess with him. But still, he avoided the question. 

"You have an exam today. You should shower first so you're not late for class."

Rain backed away; a bit stung by Phayu's words. He was worried that he wasn't saying what was on his mind, and worse yet, he could tell that it was eating him up on the inside. 

Thirty minutes later, Rain emerged from the bathroom wearing only a bath towel, hoping this would evoke some emotion from Phayu. It seemed to always excite him when he was wet and wearing nothing. But Phayu just sat against the window, looking solemnly out at the rain.

"Hey, Phayu, can you dry your darling's hair?" He thrusted the towel in his boyfriend's direction and sat down on the bed. If seducing him wasn't working, he would try being cute instead. Phayu took the towel and sat down beside him without saying anything.

"Be sure that you keep your strength up for your exam. Eat all your meals and take a nap when you can." Phayu smiled, but Rain could tell it was forced. He was changing the subject again, which made his heart ache. Was Rainbow affecting him this much? He regretted ever going to the natal floor yesterday. "I have the day off today, so I'll pick up dinner on my way home from the racetrack."

Rain nodded. "Dim sum?" He smiled, knowing how much dim sum always cheered Phayu up when he had a bad day. Phayu nodded, smiling back. He touched their foreheads together, rubbing his fingers through Rain's hair. An action Rain normally hated, but he didn't seem to mind this time. He took it as a sign that Phayu's mood had been lifted. 

After Rain left for the day, Phayu got started on the breakfast dishes, smiling to himself thinking of Rain trying to seduce him. He did try his best to keep it together when he asked so adorably to dry his hair and didn't recoil at Phayu messing it up. He felt a twinge of guilt because he knew it was his best attempt at cheering Phayu up. 

He couldn't bring himself to tell Rain why he kept thinking about the little girl in the hospital. He didn't even know himself why he kept thinking of her. He closed his eyes, keeping the tears at bay as visions of her in the incubator flashed through his mind; alone, sick, and unwanted. 

A Heart That Beats-A Love in the Air Fan FictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon