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"P'Phayu, get the camera!" Rain's voice carried from the top of the stairs to the foyer where the whole family gathered at the bottom of the staircase. Phayu readied the camera, making sure the angle was right before Rain descended the stairs with their daughter. Bow looked so beautiful in her new school uniform and Phayu had to rub his eyes to keep the tears from coming. 

"Bow, are you ready for your first day of school?" Rain asked. 

"I'm ready, Pa!" The little girl smiled a toothless grin and gave a thumbs up. 

Rain came to stand next to Phayu and kissed him on the cheek. "She's all grown up and going off to school!" 

Phayu hid behind the camera pretending to take pictures and acting like it wasn't breaking his heart to see his daughter off to her first day of kindergarten. 

"Uncle Sky! Take pictures with me!" Bow stood on the bottom of the staircase as each member of the family took turns taking pictures. She was certainly growing up to be a handful, but Phayu wouldn't have wanted it any other way. 

He remembered the day they finalized the papers, and they were able to take her home. He sat with her in the rocking chair just feeling her breathing as she slept. Rain kept coming in to check on them, and each time he tried to put Bow back in her crib, he would wake up and take her back. 

"You've got to get some sleep, honey." Rain hugged him tightly, careful not to wake the baby in his arms. "Don't you want to come to bed with your husband?"

"But...what if she stops breathing in the middle of the night?" Phayu countered. "The nursery is two doors away, what if we don't get to her in time in case of a fire? What if..."

"Phayu!" Rain rested his hand on his husband's shoulder. "She will be just fine. Come to bed. We have the monitor. I promise if I hear a peep out of her-"

"You'll wake me up, right?"

"Yes, honey, I'll wake you up." Rain stretched his arms out to take the baby. Reluctantly, Phayu stood up and placed her gingerly in her crib. He stood and watched her for a minute or two before following Rain out of the door and down the hallway to their bedroom. 

Snapping Phayu from his reverie, Bow took him by the hand. "Are you ready to take me to school, Daddy?" 

"Oh, yes, honey." He tried his best to wipe the tears that were pouring down his face.

"Are you sad, Daddy?" Bow looked up at him with big brown eyes curiously, and her ponytail swaying behind her head. 

"No, I'm not sad! Daddy is happy that you're going to school. These are happy tears because you're all grown up now." He placed a kiss on her forehead before standing and planting a kiss on Rain's forehead. 

"You've become such a crybaby since you adopted Rainbow! What are we going to do with you!?" Prapai stood with his arms crossed, shaking his head and smiling at Phayu. 

"Uncle Pai!" Bow ran toward him and jumped into his arms. "I knew you were going to make it!"

"Of course, I made it!" Prapai gave her a kiss on the cheek before setting her down. "You didn't think I'd miss sending you off on your first day of school, did you?"

He stood beside Sky and laced their fingers together, planting a gentle kiss on his boyfriend's cheek. Sky was smiling widely and squeezed Pai's hand, letting him know that he was turned on. He smiled back slyly, letting Sky know that he was in for it big time when they got home. 

"You'd better hurry or you're going to be late!" Rain handed Bow her lunch before kissing the top of her head. 

They all waved good-bye as the car made its way out of the parking lot. Bow stuck her head out the window for one last wave as the car drove out of sight.

A Heart That Beats-A Love in the Air Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now