Chapter 6

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Phayu was so excited the entire day. He started humming while he was at his workstation, making everyone wonder if he was ok. By the end of the day, he was so much in a hurry to get to the hospital that he almost forgot to clean up. 

"Why are you in such a rush?" His boss sat next to him, watching him clean up his station like a mad person. "Do you and Rain have date plans tonight?"

"Not exactly." Phayu hardly had time to look up at the man. "He and I have some place to be though. I'll stay over time another night this week. But I have to go!" He quickly collected his bag and jacket and headed out the door, waving behind him. 

On the ride to the hospital, he was almost giddy thinking of seeing Rainbow again. It was nearly impossible to keep a straight face when he saw Rain standing in front of the natal care unit with a bouquet of roses in his hands. He knew they were for the baby, and he was touched that his boyfriend had thought of it. 

"Are you boys ready?" Nurse Nan stood by the entrance to the unit, waiting patiently. 

"Are you?" Rain asked, fixing his collar. Phayu nodded his head and placed his hand on the small of Rain's back, coaxing him forward while trying to catch his breath. It was amazing how such a small little girl could evoke such big feelings inside of him. 

He had to steady his heart while they took the long hallway to the door of the natal unit. He shook as he put on the gown and mask needed to enter. He couldn't remember ever being this nervous. He placed a hand on Rain's shoulder, and Rain gently kissed the top of it, helping him steady his nerves. 

"I'll find a vase for these beautiful flowers while you visit." Nan smiled and took the bouquet out of Rain's hands. They both wai'd in response to her. "Here she is!" She pointed to the bassinette closest to the door and Phayu's heart leapt.

"She's so beautiful!" Rain stroked her foot, and she wiggled in response.  She opened her eyes and made a "coo" sound. "Can we hold her?" 

Nurse Nan nodded. "I see she's safe with you, but the nurse over there can help you if you have questions until I get back, ok?"

Rain gingerly stepped forward and lifted the baby from the bassinette. She cooed again, but it didn't sound like she was uncomfortable. He watched as she closed her eyes and curled her hands up against her chest. "P'Phayu, she's perfect."

"Look at her toes!" He reached out and swiped a finger across her long, narrow feet. Her yellow outfit was a direct contrast to her curly raven hair. Her eyes twinkled as she blinked and rubbed them, cooing softly again as she yawned and stretched. She was a complete 180-degree contrast to the fragile, tiny helpless baby they had seen three days before.

Phayu's heart was beating out of his chest as he looked at Rain holding the baby, blowing raspberries and smiling, making the baby giggle. Now was the time...

"Nong..." Phayu whispered. Rain looked up at him in surprise. "Marry me."

"P'..." Rain had tears in his eyes, but he was still smiling. "Of course I will." He held the baby closer to Phayu. "Do you want to hold her?" Phayu nodded. 

"There's one more thing..." Phayu kissed his boyfriend on his forehead before taking the baby in his arms and giving her a kiss too. "Let's adopt Rainbow."

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