Chapter 4

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"You're here late!" Saiffah sidled up next to Phayu who was working on his motorcycle. Phayu quickly looked at the time on his phone and dropped his tools into his tool chest. Grabbing his bag and jacket, he raced out the door, leaving Saiffah alone to wonder what the heck just happened. 

"I can't believe I lost track of time! Phayu, you're such a dumbass!" He pressed the call button for Rain's number and hoped he didn't pick up. He couldn't handle more guilt right now. 

"P' where are you?" Rain's voice sounded panicked. Phayu bit his lip in anticipation of an angry Rain. "Are you ok?"

"I'm so sorry! I was at the track fixing my bike and I lost track of time. I'm going to pick up the food and then I'll be home." 

"No worries. I already got the food. But I got worried when you didn't pick up my calls."

Shit. More guilt. He looked at his phone; three missed calls. He never missed a call from Rain-ever. He punched it when the light turned green and headed toward the condo, desperate to reassure him he was ok. But was he? He wasn't even sure he could describe what was going on with him. He shook the negative thoughts away, desperate to replace them with happier ones. He pictured Rain throwing his arms around his neck when he arrived home, a large spread of dim sum on the table waiting for him. He smiled, suddenly shy at what usually came next after they greeted each other. 

Phayu climbed the three flights of stairs to their condo hurriedly, excited to see Rain and to hear about how his exam went. Rain was a little worried about it because it was his senior exam, and he wanted to graduate so that he could intern in Phayu's office. He had studied day and night, tirelessly took notes and poured through old textbooks. Phayu was so proud of how hard Rain worked just to be by his side. 

When he finally reached the door, Rain opened it before Phayu could even get his key out. He was smiling widely, which was a good sign, and he threw his arms around Phayu, kissing him passionately. Phayu relished the feeling of seeing him so happy, deepening his kiss with everything he had. He wanted desperately for Rain to know just how much he loved him. 

They moved from the door to the hallway inside the condo, and Phayu pinned Rain against the wall. He moved his hands wildly all over his body, making sure there wasn't anywhere he hadn't touched. This is what he needed, the feeling of Rain's touch on his skin, the smell of him wafting through the air and making him go crazy. His skin sizzled with anticipation as they both took turns removing one another's clothes, Rain leading the way to the bed, his eyes giving that "come here" look, turning Phayu on even more. Yes-Rain was what he needed. 

Rain laid his head on Phayu's chest, listening to his heart, in sync with his own, beating hard enough that he thought Phayu could hear it too. He closed his eyes, relishing the feeling of his boyfriend's strong arms wrapping around him. He was glad Phayu was in a better mood, but he could tell there was still something he wasn't saying. 

"P'?" Rain looked up at Phayu, turning his face to look at him, stroking his cheek gently. "Please talk to me." He pleaded. "What's wrong? I'm really worried about you."

"I think..." Phayu studied Rain's face carefully, trying to find a way to answer the question without making him worry even more. "I need to go see Rainbow again. She's been on my mind since we got home from the hospital. I keep seeing her in that tiny box, all these wires and tubes, the giant scar on her chest. She's so tiny and helpless." 

A tear slipped down Phayu's cheek and splashed onto Rain's arm. It was warm, but it gave Rain goosebumps that travelled through his entire body. He had never seen him so out of control and so overwhelmed. Rain remembered the look on Phayu's face when Rainbow wrapped her hand around his finger. The look of pure, unadulterated love that poured from him was how Rain felt when Phayu looked at him. 

"P'..." He sat up in bed and was now face to face with him. "I want to go with you to see her." Phayu nodded and stretched his arms around Rain, sinking him down onto the pillow. He placed a soft kiss onto his forehead and they both dozed off to sleep, safe in each-other's arms. 

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