Chapter 4

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The food fight ended rather quickly, the minute the counselors entered the Mess Hall. Everyone but the Ranchers and Corn Boy were sent outside while we were forced inside. The counselors left to discuss punishment as the six of us just stood inside.

The Ranchers were clearly unhappy with Corn Boy, but Eli seemed to want to get to know him.

"Who are you?" Eli asked Corn Boy. She gave Corn Boy a strange look, but he just blinked.

"I'm Johnny. Johnny Helm." He said. Johnny was a little taller than Zeke, so he towered over all of us, and was about Cable's build. He had short chocolate brown hair and bright chestnut brown eyes, while black glasses rested lightly on his pale nose. He smiled at us warmly and rubbed is very strong-looking arms nervously.

"Nice to meet you Johnny! I'm Eliza, but my friends call me Eli." Eli said, reaching out her hand to shake it. Johnny shook her hand gently, his giant fingers cradling her tiny hand. He was wearing a golden yellow shirt and dark gray shorts, while on his (large) feet were yellow Vans high-tops and black socks.

"You too Eli." Johnny said happily. Eli fist-bumped him, and smiled.

Well, Eli sure seems to like this guy. I thought.

"I'm Jazzy." I said, shaking his hand. 

"Nice to meet you Jazzy." He smiled. I then pointed to everyone to introduce them as they said their greetings.

"This is Zeke-"




"And Cable."

Cable grunted.

"Why is he called Cable? Is he really smart like a supercomputer?" Johnny asked Eli, pointing at Cable.

"Why yes I-" Cable started, but Eli cut him off.

"His real name is Terry Valadez, but we call him Cable because his initials are TV." She explained. Johnny nodded.

"But I am really smart!" Cable stuck his finger in the air, putting his two cents in.

"Okay. Well, you six are in a bit of trouble. Tonight, you will be here, cleaning the kitchen to the chef's liking instead of going to the Night Swim. Now, go to Evening Chapel, then come back here. Okay?" Maddie explained, walking in with Isaac, the boy's cabin counselor.

"Yes ma'am." The six of us said in unison. Isaac pointed to the door, and we scrambled outside. We ran to Evening Chapel, and each took a seat in the back. 

We waited for Evening Chapel to be over before we ran back to the Mess Hall and set to work cleaning.

"Hey guys, I got an idea!" Eli called, standing on a table moping. 

"What?" Johnny asked, his eyes on her in almost a creepy manner.

"We could sing to pass the time!" Eli exclaimed. 

"I don't know." Cable sighed.

"Come on!" Eli insisted.

"Fine." I huffed, then smiled and nodded to Zeke.

A/N: Play song above. Just imagine them taking turns singing, except for Johnny.

"Amazing." Johnny said, applauding dramatically once we had finished the song, and cleaning the Mess Hall. Eli had even stood up on a table.

Eli bowed dramatically from where she was standing on the table. She then looked around as if trying to get down, as Johnny walked closer to the table.

"Can I?" Johnny asked. Eli nodded timidly, then Johnny gently picked her small body up and set her down in front of him.

"Uh, th- thanks Johnny." Eli mumbled, brushing herself off.

"No problem." Johnny said shyly. I turned to Cable who looked like he seriously needed to use the restroom.

"Uh, restrooms are that way." Zeke snickered at Cable, pointing toward a sign that said Men's Rooms: this way 👉

"Dude. That was just cold." Cable hissed, then walked up to Eli. "Come on. The kitchen's clean. Let's go."

"Okay." Eli said. The Ranchers and Johnny walked outside, where it was already dark, and wandered around a bit before we heard the bell to go to our cabins.

"G'night Eli." Cable said, kissing Eli's hand then walking inside the boys' cabin. Zeke kissed me on the lips, muttered goodnight, then disappeared inside too.

"Night girls. See you tomorrow." Johnny said quietly, then hurried inside. Eli waved after him, then turned to me.

"Let's go." She said. We made our way to our cabin, talking about what we wanted to do the next day. We entered our cabin and found all the girls gathering their stuff for the showers.

"I'll shower in the morning, I'm tired." Eli groaned, laying down on her bed. I looked at my watch.

It was midnight.

"Yeah, me too." I said, slipping on my Disney nightgown. Eli sighed, slipping into her sleeping bag and hugging her pillow.

"Johnny's a good dude. I can tell." Eli said dreamily.

"So, you made a friend?" I snickered at her as Eli scowled at me.

"Yeah, so?" Eli asked me, her lips curling into a smile.

"Just make sure Cable doesn't get replaced." I warned.

Eli punched me.

A/N: Helloo fellow humans, human fellas!! I am sorry for the short chapter, but it's like, late here, and I've got school tomorrow. I love you guys so much, ADIOS!!!

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