Bonus Chapter: Jay's POV

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"Kayla! Kayla give me back that!" I screamed, chasing my stupid little sister around the living room. Our big sister Eliza had been gone all of six days and suddenly Kay had thought she was the queen of me. She was NOT.

"Come and get it, Jaythan!" Kay taunted, purposely using my full name. Ugh, for once, I was missing Eliza. She may have been annoying, but she kept us in line. She kept everyone at the Children's' Home in line. Her and her boyfriend Terry.

When we first came to the place, Eliza hated it. She liked being closer to Terry, and I was glad she was away from our dad, but she didn't like it. She had always taught herself to care for others, do her work, and hardly ever complain, so having someone else care for her was weird. I always felt bad for Eliza, as our dad would never hit me or Kay. 

Now that Eliza was away at a Seniors Camp with the FKAC guys and her friends, (and I am seventeen) I was the eldest kid at the Home. Kay just loved teasing me about it, but I knew she just missed Eliza.

"Kay just give me back my book. Please?" I begged, tackling her and trying to snatch it out of her hands. Kay squirmed and squirmed, like she does when weird adults come to the Home trying to adopt us. We refused to be adopted without Eliza, but (of course) no one wanted Eliza. She was about to be an adult. Who'd want her?

"No! I want Eliza!" Kay whined. 

Scratch that, one person wanted Eliza.

"Kay, she's coming back soon. Tomorrow probably. But, just give me my book. Eliza said I have to finish a book in it before she comes home!" I desperately tried to snatch it from the rude little sixteen-year-old. 

"Not my fault you didn't read it until today!"

"You took it the minute she left for the camp!"

"Not my fault you couldn't find it!"


I wrestled with her some more, pleading with her to drop it. Kay's long braids were covered in gold and silver beads, which slapped my face she squirmed. Her black velvet skin was sticky from sweat, while her hazel eyes sparkled with mischief. She knew I didn't have the same beliefs as Eliza, and Eliza wasn't liking that. Kay had taken my Bible, knowing that would make Eliza mad. Ugh, sixteen-year-olds are so weird.

Truth is, I missed Eliza. I really hoped she'd come home sooner rather than later.

I could only hope, right?

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