Chapter 8

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A/N: So, something fancy here. Anything in Italics is Jazzy's POV. Anything in Bold, is Zeke's POV. Y'all good with that? 


Now, on with the story👇

Fancy Friday was a lot of fun. We played games, sang songs, ate food, drank tea, and even had a dance!

The dance was at the amphitheater, which was now decorated with gold and silver fairy lights, flames dancing on elegant candles, and shining decorations clearly made by the art club. The dance floor was merely a wooden board carefully laid on the stone ground, but it still clicked cheerfully when danced upon.

Eli danced with Cable, I danced with Zeke, Hunter danced with Tara, and Johnny danced with Shauna. The scene was beautiful, and so elegant, even though Eli never ditched her hoodie. The boys were all wearing two-dollar suits, but they still looked very handsome.

Around 11:00, we were told Fancy Friday was over. We all drudged back to our cabin, feet sore from the dancing and eyes sore from lights. We packed our bags because we were leaving the next day, then changed into more comfortable clothes, our traveling clothes. We wouldn't have too much time in the morning, so we had to be ready as if we were going to leave tonight.

After we finished that, we went to Victory Circle, a small intimate place just outside of camp. The Ranchers (including Johnny) sat together near FK&C. Joel stood up and began.

"I just have one thing to say. I don't know all of you, certainly not as well as I'd like to," Joel says, then smiles at everyone and continues "But God does. He knows everything about each and every one of you here tonight.

I looked at his loving smile and felt warmth grown in my chest. I looked at Eli, who had a peaceful smile on her face.

"I don't know much, but this much I do. He's a fan." Joel finished, then sits down, indicating someone else could speak if they wanted to. 

"Ahem!" Hunter stands up awkwardly, "I don't know much, but I uh," He pauses, looking around nervously.

"But this much I do," Johnny stood up and patted Hunter's back, "Seeing my boy Hunter pull the superman pose trying to save a certain someone."

I looked at Hunter and watched him blush slightly and then saw Tara smile shyly as Johnny finished with "That was uh, that was pretty cool man. That was pretty cool."

"Thanks." Hunter said, as the two fist-bumped when Johnny sat down.

"Well, I don't know much but this much I do. This is the last week of our 24th summer here at Camp Hium." Luke says, standing up, "As a friend of mine would say, God is up to something. He's up to something, good. He's up to something amazing."

I sighed, letting the words sink in. The moment was so peaceful, I could almost feel God with us.

"That much I know." Luke finished. I looked over at Jazzy, who seemed to be lost in thought. I wondered what she was thinking about, then I saw her stand up.

"I've repeated this quite a few times to myself," Jazzy began, then took a deep breath, "And, um, these words just mean a lot to me, so I thought, why not share them?"

I looked at Eli, catching her gaze. She smiled at me, and I sniffled a little, then continued with my favorite Bible verse.

"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to keep you and prosper you, not to harm you, but to give you a hope, and a future'." she says, then looks over at me and I smile softly.

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