Chapter 1- No mercy killer

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"Mmmpffff-" muffled wails sounded in a dark, eerie room. The screams belonged to someone unknown.

The person seemed to be struggling out of their might, trying to loosen the restraints tied tightly around them, even a little. Arms numb, fingers dead cold, no blood could circulate due to the tightness of the ropes; any longer and their arms would fall apart. Whoever seemed to have tied them up wanted them to suffer as much as possible, not letting them have a taste of relief of any kind.

Just... what was going on here...? No matter how much the person struggled, nothing around them would budge even the slightest. Gradually, the fear of death or torture crept into the mind of this unknown individual. The room they were residing in reeked of blood, anyone would feel nauseous even after a whiff of it.

The individual tried to struggle a little bit more before deciding to not waste their energy any longer. They needed to keep calm. Whoever put them there would surely arrive sooner or later right...? If not, their family surely would report them missing and the police would rescue them. Only, they didn't know for how long they had been in that god awful room. They wanted to leave so badly, but not before getting some revenge on whoever decided to put them through this torture. As the individual was thinking of ways on how to get their precious revenge, a deep and gruffy voice sounded, interrupting their thoughts.

"I would advise you to stop creating unnecessary noise." the impatient and slightly irritated voice could be heard getting closer and closer to the individual tied to a chair. A cold chill went through their body, causing them to stop all movement and squint to make out the shape of a man.
It was too dark to know what he looked like, but based on the silhouette, the man had a large build, capable of killing in a flash. The individual was very irritated at seeing the dynamic of powers being flipped on them. Killing intent flashed in their eyes.

"How amusing, you can still glare at people like that? Do you have a death wish?" the voice sounded once again, slightly amused. The individual, hearing this, got angrier and struggled with all their might to rush to attack his kidnapper. Unfortunately for them, the ropes were tied too tightly, not allowing any movement of escape. Angry muffles could be heard as the individual screeched at the man, demanding to be freed. To be put in such a position of powerlessness... How humiliating... How shameful... How pathetic! They didn't want to indulge whoever this bastard was! They were meant to be the one who was always in a position of power. They were meant to be the one who would torture that bastard, not the other way around!

The sudden and urgent burst of the individual made the man chuckle a bit before immediately kicking them in the stomach so the other would stop their foolish, meaningless struggle. This winded the other, causing them to try to take a gasp of air but being unable to since their mouth was sealed shut with heavy tape. They tried hard to endure the sudden burning pain in their stomach, trying to even out their breathing so they didn't pass out from the pain. Trying not to show any feeling of fear or pain, the individual shut their eyes tightly before momentarily opening them again. Hah! A little pain wouldn't affect them. they are out of the restraints, they would be sure to repay the generous debt to the other party. They continued to give a death glare to the man.

"Still not breaking, are we? I should have expected it, but don't worry, I'll make sure you break." The man swiftly pulled at the hair of the individual and put a blade on their neck. The individual glared daggers into the other's eyes, not letting him see any ounce of fear or pain. If they give up so soon and show they are afraid of him, then it's game over for them. Also, their pride would not allow to be put in such a position without a fight.

"It doesn't matter how much of a death glare you give me, it's all pointless for you in the end, I'm not letting you out of here alive." The man mocked as he pressed the blade deeper into their neck, drawing some blood. His intention wasn't to kill just yet. He wanted to make the other suffer possible, begging for mercy, shattering every ounce of hope the other had. Killing intent flashed in his eyes, but he quickly calmed himself down. No... Not yet... As much as he wants to kill them now, he can't yet. He still has so much he wants to do before getting to that part. At that thought, he loosened his grip and let's go of the other party.

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