Chapter 2- Fragrance of blood

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Night-time. 11:48 pm.

Bai Yohan couldn't sleep. He had a lot of thoughts going through his head. He was utterly exhausted yet couldn't even get his brain to shut up. He tried for a couple more minutes until he gave up and just scrolled through his phone. After a couple minutes of mindlessly scrolling through, he suddenly got a text message. It was Gillian. He swiftly opened the messaging app and tapped on his message.  Gillian's number was saved under, Gillian the clown. The message read:

Gillian the clown: Yohan, are you awake?

Bai Yohan quickly replied.

Bai Yohan: Yeah /(v-v)\ I can't sleep!

Bai Yohan: I'm trying sooooooo hard to fall asleep.

Gillian the clown: I see, I understand why that's the case. You suddenly got a massive case thrown on you.

Bai Yohan was about to reply when another message followed soon after.

Gillian the clown: Why didn't you tell me? About the case you were secretly investigating?

Bai Yohan: Sorry!!!!! I didn't mean to lie! (╥﹏╥)

Gillian the clown: I know you didn't mean to lie; I just want to know why you never told me about it, I can understand the others since they refused to believe you the first time, but you've known me for a long time. I'm just wondering. I don't mean to accuse.

Bai Yohan: ... (°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Gillian the clown: ?????

Bai Yohan: Sorry sorry, it's kind of embarrassing. I just thought that you were going to think I was insane or had something wrong in my head because of my theory.

Gillian the clown: Yohan.

Bai Yohan: Yes?

Gillian the clown: I already think you are insane; besides I would have believed you if you told me.

Bai Yohan: What??? C'mon man, why do you think I am insane??? My very own best friend thinks I am insane (';;')

Gillian the clown: Yohan, you are a 26-year-old man who is literally a Chief detective, who is acting like a 10-year-old. You can make the correlation.

Bai Yohan: Well EXCUSE ME for not being boring. UNLIKE YOU.

On the other side of the screen, Gillian felt somewhat wronged.

Gillian the clown: This is exactly what I mean. Kid behaviour. Have some shame. You're lucky you're speaking to me like that, because if you talked to anyone like that, then they would definitely think you were a mental patient who was on the run. Or worse, a creep.

Bai Yohan: ...

Bai Yohan: Sorry ()II

Gillian the clown: Don't be sad. I didn't mean to insult you.

Bai Yohan: Me too. I'm sorry for not telling you about it. Also, I didn't really mean the comment about you being boring. ( |||)

Gillian the clown: I know, also its best you go to sleep, we have a long day ahead. Also, you need to explain to me everything you have gathered for your case.

Bai Yohan: Yes sir!

With that, Bai Yohan tossed his phone aside and fell into a deep but uncomfortable slumber. He dreamt of the No mercy killer; he, being one of his victims. No matter how many times he blinked his eyes, everything seemed to be too real. Bright red blood scattered the walls; no inch of the room was not covered in blood.  The smell of metallic blood and guts was so overwhelming to the point Bai Yohan thought he was going to pass out in any second. This is just one thing he hates the most, the smell of blood. No matter how many times he had to witness incredibly gory scenes in the past, he still cannot get over that disgusting smell. It's impossible for him to not hate it. He does not care if he sees a dismembered body or a mutilated one, it's all the same to him anyway, but the smell is something that just won't leave no matter what he does. It's the only thing he cannot stand in the slightest. Every time he goes to a crime scene, he always covers his nose or puts on a mask to hide that foul stench.

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