6) Bath fever ! 🥂🦋🌌 [Cate]

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Story line 📝: y/n Blanchett, daughter of Cate Blanchett hates bath . And it's winter so she struggles to bath y/n even with the help of her older sons and her friends.

Cate's age : 48
Y/n's age : 3


Morning 🌄 11 a.m.

Cate's point of view 👁️:

We were just gossiping about our new project 'The Ocean's 8'. It was me , Sandra, Sarah and Anne . My 3 year old is found of them very much . And she sits beside Anne playing with her own toys . My sons Dashiell, Ignatius and Roman were in their video game room , playing together. Well although y/n is much younger than her brothers but they love her all and have good bonds. Its already Christmas holidays in my sons schools .

"Well there should be a chemistry between lou and Debbie in the movie , like i am damn sure fans are going to ship u both" Sarah said .

"I completely agree with her " Anne nods . I and Sandra blush . Well it's not like i dont like Sandra. She is hot and wifey material. Well i had divorce with my husband just after y/n was born .

Y/n looks up looking at us and giggles .

"Well now she finds it funny huh?" Sarah said laughing.

"Guess ur daughter is already gay" Anne laughs and they both do a high five .

"Hi fivw plwasw " y/n helds her small arms and palms up and Anne and Sarah both roll of laughing. They do a High five with her .

"Oh no! " I said suddenly remembering to bathe y/n.

"What's wrong?" Sandra asked .

"I need to bathe her " i said. It's winter y/n won't obviously like it . She looks at me as i say the word . It triggers her and she looks at me .

"No no no! Anne hold her " i said and before she could hold y/n, She runs away upstairs.

"Shit" Sarah said . And we all chase her.

"Y/n where are u honey?" I call out her name . My sons come out of room .

"Oh mom did y/n again hid as u were going to bathe her ?" Danielle laughed.

"Yes " i said rubbing my forehead.

"We can all find her . Maybe she is under roman's bed " Sandra said . Well she knows y/n well.

"True lemme check. , Igna and Dani block the door so that she can't run away" Roman said . We went into his room and as Roman Peeps under his bed . He finds y/n and she screams . He hold y/n tightly

"Sis calm down ! Its okay.. water will be warm sis " she tries to calm her down while the other brothers join

"Hey baby sis ! Shhh its fine . U won't feel that cold " Danielle said. But she kicks her legs and arms .

"Nw bath . Mw hafe it" she yells.

"Y/n u have to take a bath" Sandra said . Well she loves sandra and sometimes gets scared.

"NW "

"Y/n stop kicking ur brothers" i said . She makes a big pout and entire face goes red . Anne laughs and Sarah tries to control .

I take her from Roman and she starts to hits me with her small fist .

"Y/n no . Honey " Sandra said and she whines.

"Let's take u for bath. Can u guys help ?" I asked my friends

"Yes of course " they said.

I open y/n's dress and clings to me .

"Its cwold" she cries . I stroke her back.

"Aww it's gonna be fine . U are strong girl" Anne said and y/n smiles. I put her down as i run down the tap . She crawls down in between everyone's leg and runs out again .

"Oh god!" Sarah said and we all ran . She is naked too .

"Under the table Anne " Sandra said . As Anne tries to grab , y/n slips and runs behind the couch. As i try to grab she slips again . She goes behind the stairs,

"Y/n .. don't do this . " I said with stern voice . She looks at me and smirks and runs . She runs upstairs and Danielle yells

"Mum i got her .see " Danielle said holding her in his arms .

"Woah thanks son" i said and take y/n. I point my finger at her .

"Now no more and be a good girl , else u won't get momma's milk for some weeks " i said and she pouts and nods . She looks at me with her ur tears eyes , well she has my eyes . I kiss her nose

"Good!" I said

Everyone laughs as they see her pout .
I take her inside the bathroom and put her down in bathtub. The water is warm and there is her favorite toys and bubbles. I wash her blonde hair , and she giggles .

"Aww u love it ?" I asked .

"Yws . Duwcky " she said Playing with her duck .

"She is cute " Sandra said . I look behind and she was already standing behind me and my friends too .

"Yes she is ! She looks like cate a lot " Sarah said smiling.

"Little cate " Anne said . I smiled and bathe her . After she is done , sandra passes me the towel. Its a baby pink towel and i wrap y/n in the blanket .

I kiss her head and put a small bunny onsie on her. She doozed of on my chest . We went down and sat on the couch. I put y/n on my chest and she starts to feel sleepy as i stroke her hair .

"She is feeling sleepy cate " Sandra said . I look at my daughter.she was moving her lips trying to suck on my nipples.

"Sarah can u pass me the towel please?" i asked . She nods and passes me the towel .

I put it over my shoulder while opening first buttons of my shirt and open my bra . Y/n latches on and start to talk with others.

"U still breastfeed her ? That's cute dear " Anne said .

"Yes darlo ! I love breastfeeding her . And it's healthy for her too" i said . Everyone smiles.

After some time , i feel y/n latch off . I wear my bra and shirt . I took off the blanket. She is already asleep. I kiss her head .

"Aww she is cute " Sarah said . I stroke her hair and smile.

"I love u baby ! Sleep well" i said holding my baby girl close . I love her so much


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Love u all ❤️

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