Chapter 1

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I woke up after hitting my alarm like five times, I sat up slowly as I rubbed my eyes and groaned. I hated mornings. I looked at the time and realized I was about to be late for the interview I had today. I jumped out of the bed and ran to the bathroom as I tried to rush. I brushed my teeth and ran to get dressed. I threw on a blouse with some fancy pants and ran back to the bathroom to do my hair. I just brushed it and left it down. I ran back to my closed and threw some short heels on. I ran out the door and jumped out of the car to drive to the interview.

I arrived at the building and speed walked to the bodyguard.

Bodyguard: Name.
Y/n: Y/n Y/l/n.
Bodyguard: Right this way miss y/l/n.
Y/n: Thank you!

I walked into the building and started to run around trying to find where I was supposed to go. I wasn't paying attention and ran into somebody. I fell back and hit the ground.

Y/n: Ouch.

I got up and seen the man I had just run into, Joseph Quinn.

Y/n: I am so sorry, I was rushing and was not paying attention.
Joseph: It's okay, where are you off to?
Y/n: I have an interview to get to and I'm about to be late.
Joseph: Your y/n right?
Y/n: Yes, I am.
Joseph: I'm pretty sure my interview is after yours, you better hurry.
Y/n: I'm going!

I smiled and ran off. I heard him laughing behind me as I made my way to where I was supposed to go.

Y/n: I'm here!
Assistant: Finally, Y/n your almost up!
Y/n: I know, I'm sorry I slept it.
Assistant: Again?
Y/n: I am not a morning person.
Assistant: Trust me I know.

I laughed with her and the heard the people call my name.

Backstage worker: Y/n, Your up!

I took a deep breath and walked out onto the stage. I walked up to the interviewer and shook his hand.

Interviewer: Welcome y/n.
Y/n: Thank you, it's a pleasure to be here.
Interviewer: You look very lovely today y/n.
Y/n: That is very reassuring knowing that I rushed this outfit this morning.

The interviewer laughed and looked me up and down making me a little uncomfortable. I crossed my legs and rested my hands on them.

Interviewer: Are you going to be in any new movies?
Y/n: I can't say for sure right now but you guys will just have to wait and see.
Interviewer: Do you have anything to say to your fans y/n?
Y/n: Umm... I am really grateful for you all and I love you guys very much!
Interviewer: Your so sweet.
Y/n: I try my best.
Interviewer: Well our time is almost up and there is one more question I want to ask you.
Y/n: Yes?
Interviewer: So y/n there is a lot of rumors of you dating, are you?
Y/n: No, I haven't found the right person yet.
Interviewer: You hear that guys, she is still single.

I laughed awkwardly and looked at the crowd of people in front of us. All the boys looked at me like that wanted to kiss me and the girls looked at me with jealousy, hatred, and some with fan love.

Interviewer: Our time is up, it was really great to have you here, I hope to see you again.
Y/n: Thank you for having me.

The interview finally ended and the cameras were off. We waited for the curtains to close from the audience and when they did I got up and left. I walked back to my assistant and gave her a uncomfortable look.

Assistant: I know I seen everything, I am so sorry.
Y/n: I don't understand why I can't just have a regular interview.
Assistant: Well you do look lovely today.
Y/n: Yeah thanks.
Assistant: We won't have you come back here again, I promise.

My assistant went back to what she was doing and I stood there alone watching everyone walk by but then Joseph walked up to me.

Joseph: Hey y/n, how did the interview go?
Y/n: Umm... it was alright.

My tone had changed since before the show as I was uncomfortable and just wanted to go home.

Joseph: Are you okay?
Y/n: I'm fine, just tired.
Joseph: I understand that, I'm quite tired myself.
Y/n: Is it almost time for your interview?
Joseph: Yeah but I wanted to ask you a question really quickly.
Y/n: Yeah?
Joseph: Would you like to go somewhere for brunch after this, just to get to know each other better.
Y/n: Sure.
Joseph: Great, I will see you after my interview and we can go from there.
Y/n: Okay, sounds good.

Joseph smiled at me and walked to his own area. Was he asking me out? Is he just hanging out with me because he thinks I'm cute like every other boy? A lot of negative thought ran through my head as I sat down waiting for him. One good thought ran through my head dismaying all the bad ones. What if this goes well and he is a nice man? Joseph always had a good reputation as a sweet guy so hopefully he is one. I needed a sweet guy in my life right now.

About 30 minutes passed and I was playing on my phone as Joseph walked up to me.

Joseph: Hey, are you ready?
Y/n: Yeah but one question, are you going to drive me?
Joseph: Yeah, if that's okay with you.

A smile immediately spread across my face as he said that.

Y/n: That's perfect! Just give me one more second.

I walked back up to my assistant and gave her my car keys.

Y/n: Can you have someone drive my car back to my house please.
Assistant: Of course!
Y/n: Thank you so much!
Assistant: Have fun on your date!
Y/n: It's not a date.
Assistant: Sure...

She laughed as I walked back to Joseph.

Y/n: Okay I'm ready.
Joseph: Great, let's go.

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