Chapter 2

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I walked out with Joseph with me and we made it to his car. He opened the door for me and when I got in he shut it. He walked around to the drivers side and got in. He was kind of cute.

Y/n: So where are we going?
Joseph: It's a surprise.
Y/n: Okay, I like a good surprise.
Joseph: Doesn't everyone?

Joseph's enthusiasm and cheerfulness rubbed off on me and I was feeling a lot better.

Y/n: I would think so, surprises are so much fun!
Joseph: Yeah, they are.

We soon arrived at a really fancy restaurant.

Joseph: How do you like this place?
Y/n: It's so fancy!

Joseph chucked at em as I awed over the fancy building.

Y/n: Its so pretty...

Joseph got out of the car and came over to open the door for me.

Joseph: M'lady.
Y/n: Thank you kind sir.

Me and Joseph walked into the restaurant and got seated at a table outside. It was perfect.

Joseph: What are you going to get?
Y/n: Oh, umm... a salad?
Joseph: Get whatever you want darling.

I hated going to new restaurants because I never knew what to order and it takes me forever to decide on anything. I was just going to get a regular chicken salad.

Joseph: Let's get to know each other better.
Y/n: Okay, what do you want to know?
Joseph: What's your favorite color?
Y/n: Pink! What about yours?
Joseph: I'm pretty fond of the color blue.
Y/n: That's a very fancy way of saying blue is your favorite color.
Joseph: I felt like it got the mood.

I giggled at him and the our waiter came.

Waiter: Good evening, what drinks can I get for you two?

Joseph looked at me as he waited for me to answer.

Y/n: Half and half tea please.
Waiter: Okay, and for you sir?
Joseph: Sweet tea please.
Waiter: Okay? Do you need more time looking at the menu or are you ready to order?
Joseph: I'm ready, y/n?
Y/n: I'm ready.
Waited: Great, what can I get for you?
Y/n: A chicken salad with ranch please.
Waiter: You said with ranch?
Y/n: Yes ma'am.
Waiter: And you sir?
Joseph: I will have the same as her.
Waiter: Okay, two chickens salads, both with ranch, one half and half tea and one sweet tea?
Joseph: That's correct!
Waiter: Coming right up!
Y/n: Thank you!

I sat there and heard my phone ding, I turned it off and shoved it back into my purse. I looked up at Joseph who was already looking at me.

Joseph: Do you have any sibling?
Y/n: No, I'm an only child.
Joseph: Must be nice.
Y/n: I always wished I had a sibling, like an older brother to protect me.
Joseph: That's cute.

Our food soon came and we started eating. The food was actually really good.

Y/n: Did you always want to be famous?
Joseph: A part of me did, yes but when I was younger I honestly didn't have plans for my future, what about you?
Y/n: Same as you, a part of me always wanted to me but I didn't know how I would end up here or if I even would.
Joseph: Why do you ask?
Y/n: I don't know, it just popped in my head.

Joseph gave me the cutest smile. I smiled back and looked into his eyes, his eyes were so beautiful, it was hard not to get lost in them.

Joseph: Don't you know it's rude to star darling.

I snapped out of it and felt my face heat up.

Y/n: I-Im sorry, I didn't mean to.
Joseph: It's okay darling, don't be embarrassed.

Joseph chuckled at me again as I tried to hide my red face.

Y/n: Im going to the bathroom really quick.

I got up and speed walked away as I was super flustered. I went to the bathroom and splashed some water on my face as I collected myself, how does he do that? How does he get me so flustered so easily?
I don't like knowing he has that power over me.

I got out of the bathroom and walked back to Joseph and seen him talking with a young girl, I know it was probably a fan but my mind went to many different places, was he her girlfriend, did he think she was pretty? Why did I even care? I walked up to them and sat back down in the seat. Joseph smiled at me and the girl did to.

Girl: Omg! Y/n is on a date with Joseph!!!
Y/n: We arnt in a date, we are just hanging out.
Girl: Sure... Anyway can I get a picture with you guys.
Y/n: Sure.

I got back up and stood beside the girl. Joseph stood on the opposite side. We both smiled into the camera and the girl took a couple of photos.

Girl: Thank y'all so much!
Y/n: No problem!
Joseph: Have a nice day!
Girl: You to!

The girl left and my mind was at ease again, it's always nice to meet the fans but I don't know why I was so worried about her and Joseph, was I jealous? Why was I jealous? Do I like him?

Joseph: Are you alright?
Y/n: Yeah, why?
Joseph: You look lost in thought.
Y/n: Oh, my bad.
Joseph: No need to apologize love.

We were both done with our food and the waiter came with the check.

Joseph: Let me get the check.
Y/n: I can pay for my own.
Joseph: No, let me be a gentleman and pay for you.
Y/n: Fine, thank you.
Joseph: Anytime!

Joseph payed for the check and we left the restaurant.

Joseph: Do you want me to drive you to your house?
Y/n: Yes please.

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