Chapter 4

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Joseph: Your dogs are adorable!
Y/n: I think they like you.
Joseph: Im like a dog whisperer.

I giggled at him and grabbed my purse as he got back up.

Joseph: You have a really nice place.
Y/n: Thanks, I decorated it all by myself.
Jospeh: Seriously?
Y/n: Yeah, I always wanted to be an interior designer.
Joseph: You would be a great interior designer.
Y/n: Thanks.

I whistled at the dogs and they went back to their beds. I went with Joseph to his car and he opened the door for me.

Y/n: Thank you.

I got in and he shut the door for me. He got in the drivers seat and looked over at me.

Joseph: What is your favorite thing to do?
Y/n: Umm... I don't know...
Joseph: Do you like bowling, skating, arcades?
Y/n: I love skating, I can't do it very well but I do like to do it.
Joseph: Great, tonight we skate the night away.

I giggled at him and he started to drive. I was actually really excited, I loved skating with friends and skating with Joseph sounded like a lot of fun. The ride was quite but enjoyable and not awkward. We arrive at the skating rink and walked in. Immediately a lot of eyes were on us but I just kept mine on Joseph. He paid for both of us and we went to get our skates.

Y/n: Thank you Joseph but I could have paid for myself.
Joseph: It's really no trouble.

I smiled at him and got my skates. We sat down on some benches and put the skates on.

Y/n: If I fall will you help me up?
Jospeh: Of course, what if I fall?
Y/n: I will help you up to.

Joseph chuckled and stood up. I stood up to and started sliding around. I grabbed onto Joseph and held him tight as I was afraid to fall.

Joseph: We haven't even gotten in the rink yet.
Y/n: I'm not good on wheels.

Joseph laughed and helped me to the rink. I stepped down into it still holding onto him and then to the wall. Joseph stepped down behind me and started to skate in front of me.

Y/n: Please don't leave me.
Joseph: I won't.

I gradually started going faster and Joseph stayed beside me. I started to lose my balance and I grabbed onto Jospeh's hand as I went down, dragging him down with me. We both crashed into the ground and started laughing. I was sat on my butt facing Joseph. I was still holding his hand as we were both laughing at each other.

Y/n: I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring you down with me.
Joseph: It's okay darling but that's going to leave a bruise in the morning.

I giggled and we both got up and started skating again. I seen some people videoing us and taking photos but it didn't bother me, all I couldn't pay attention to was Joseph.

Y/n: Do you think we are going to be all over the internet tomorrow?
Joseph: Most likely, yes.

I looked up at him and started laughing.

Joseph: What?
Y/n: I'm just having so much fun!
Joseph: I am to.

Me and Joseph spent the rest of the night skating and falling onto each other. We even skated holding hands. When we finished skating and got our shoes back on we gave the skates back and left. We got back into Joseph's car and sat there for a minute. It was dark and rainy outside, I loved rain.

Joseph: Do you want to end the night here and go back to your place?
Y/n: It is getting late but I'm not tired yet.
Joseph: What do you want to do?
Y/n: You know I have always wanted to go dancing in the rain...

Joseph looked outside and took a second to think.

Joseph: Okay, let's do it!
Y/n: Are you sure?
Joseph: Yeah, it will be fun!
Y/n: Your the best!

I left my purse in the car and jumped out. I ran around to Joseph and grabbed his hands.

Y/n: Now let's dance the night away!
Joseph: Yeah!

I tugged him alone with me as we danced in the parking lot. I twirled around and just enjoyed myself. I have never had so much fun in my life. Joseph brought out the best in me.

Y/n: I have never had so much fun in my entire life than I am having with you!
Joseph: I'm glad your having a good time, you bright smile is all I need to see to know how happy you are.

I don't think I have ever smiled this much or this hard. I stopped saving and walked up to Joseph. I pulled him into a hug and squeezed him tight.

Y/n: Thank you.

I felt him wrap his arms around me and hug me back.

Joseph: Your very welcome darling.

Me and Joseph danced a little bit more until it got really late.

Y/n: Oh, what about your car, we are soaking wet.
Joseph: It's okay, I have leather seats.
Y/n: Okay, I'm sorry I didn't think of that before.
Joseph: Its fine darling, at least we had a great time.
Y/n: Yeah, we did.

We got back into his car soaking wet and Joseph drove me back to my house. I felt bad leaving him alone and soaking wet so I decided to invite him into my house.

Y/n: Do you want to come in and change out of those wet clothes?
Joseph: If you don't mind.
Y/n: Of course not, I'm the one who wanted to dance in the rain.
Joseph: Thanks.

We got out of the car and ran to the door. I opened it to see my dogs were already asleep. They must have been waiting for me because they were asleep on the floor in front of the door. I walked in and Joseph walked in behind me. I put my purse on the table and walked to the staircase.

Y/n: Do you want to take a shower and get into some comfy clothes?
Joseph: Yes please.

I giggled at him and walked up the stairs, he followed me up to my bedroom.

Y/n: I will get you some towels and help you find some clothes.

I sat on my plastic chair and took my shoes off. I got up and went to the bathroom to get Joseph some towels and then went back into my bedroom. Joseph stood beside me shivering as he got cold. I felt bad but I didn't have anything he could use to warm up. I grabbed some sweat pants, a baggy shirt, and some boxers I had laying around.

Y/n: Here this should work.
Joseph: Awesome.
Y/n: The bathroom is over there and when you take you wet clothes off you can put them in the sink and I will wash them when you get out.
Joseph: Thank you so much!
Y/n: No problem, I will be taking a shower in the guest bedroom and also if you need to sit down and your still wet then you can sit in the plastic chair right there.

I smiled at him and walked out of the bedroom shutting the door behind me to give him his privacy.
I went to the guest bedroom and started to take a shower myself.

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