Chapter 5

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I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and wrapped a towel around my body and dried my hair with another one. I let my hair stay down and wet as I always air dry it. I walked out of the bathroom and knocked on my bedroom door.

Y/n: Joseph?
Joseph: Yes?
Y/n: Are you dressed yet?
Joseph: I am.
Y/n: Okay, may I come in?
Joseph: Yes you may.

I opened the door and seen Joseph with wet hair and in my clothes, he looked so cute. I walked in the bedroom and to the closet as I didn't get any clothes before. I grabbed some underwear and my silk pjs. I walked out of my bedroom and back into the guest bedroom. I put my clothes on and threw my towel into the hamper. I walked back into my bedroom to see Joseph sitting on the plastic chair waiting for me with Daisy in his lap.

Y/n: She must really like you.
Joseph: She is so cute, I love dogs.

I smiled at him and then sat on my bed.

Y/n: Since it's already really late do you want to stay the night here?
Joseph: I appreciate it, I am getting tired.
Y/n: You can sleep in the guest bedroom or in the dog bed with the dogs.

Joseph laughed as he looked down at daisy.

Joseph: As nice as that sounds I think I'm going to take the guest bedroom.
Y/n: Great choice! Do you need anything? Any water or a snack?
Joseph: No thanks I'm good right now.
Y/n: Okay, let me know if you need anything.

Joseph looked behind me and laughed at little bit.

Y/n: What?
Joseph: You have a lot of stuffed animals.
Y/n: No one is to old for stuffed animals!
Joseph: I guess not.
Y/n: I will be happy to lend you one if you would like to sleep with one tonight.
Joseph: Okay, give me which ever one you want to give me.
Y/n: Okay!

I went to the side of my bed and dug in my pile of stuffed animals, Joseph just sat there and watched me the entire time. I found one stuffed animal that I liked and thought Joseph might like, it was a regular teddy bears but it was the perfect teddy bear to cuddle with.

Y/n: Here!
Joseph: A teddy bear.
Y/n: Yeah, the perfect teddy bear for cuddling with!

I gave Joseph my teddy bear with a big smile on my face, I felt like a child showing off my toys to the other kids. Joseph took it out of my hands and hugged it.

Y/n: Seeeeee... great for cuddling!
Joseph: Yeah, it is.
Y/n: I hope teddy brings you a good night sleep.

Joseph laughed and walked out of the room.

Joseph: Good night!
Y/n: Good night.

He shut the door behind his as he left and my smile faded. I was only truly happy when he was around me. Was it strange that I didn't want him to leave, I kind of wanted to share the bed with him but I didn't want to ask him, I didn't want to make him uncomfortable. I sat in my bed in silence as I thought about any way to go in there and ask him but I could think of a way that didn't sound weird.

I couldn't sleep. I felt like something was missing. I got up and walked downstairs to the kitchen. I got some water and went back up to my room. I left the door open and daisy walked in. She started whining like something was missing for her to. I asked her what was wrong and she looked back at the guest bedroom. She missed Joseph! That was adorable. She would stop whining so I picked her up and walked to Joseph's door. I knocked on it and then it opened, he was already at the door?

Joseph: Yeah?
Y/n: Daisy wants you, she won't stop whining.

Right when daisy saw Joseph she stopped whining and she started wagging her tail. I gave her to Joseph and she licked his face and relaxed in his arms.

Y/n: That's cute.

Joseph looked up at me and smiled.

Joseph: We're you having trouble sleeping?
Y/n: Yeah, why?
Joseph: I heard you walking around and seen your lights on.
Y/n: Oh sorry about that.
Joseph: It's okay, I can't sleep either.
Y/n: Okay, this is a weird question but... would you maybe want to share a bed?

Joseph had a cute little smile form on his lips as he blushed a little bit.

Joseph: Are you asking me to sleep with you?
Y/n: Yes, no, yes but not like that.

Joseph laughed at my embarrassment and walked with me to my bedroom. He even brought the stuffed animal with him and daisy of course. I moved my stuffed animals around and made room for both me and Joseph. Joseph sat on the bed with daisy in his lap and I went to turn the lights out. I went to the bed and laid down beside them. I felt Rosie jump up on the bed and lay down at my feet. Everyone was in here, it was very nice. I snuggled to one of my stuffed animals and laid close enough to Joseph that we weren't touching but I still felt his warmth. Luckily I didn't have any plans for tomorrow so I could sleep in. I got so comfortable that I sunk into the bed and dozed off to sleep.

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