Chapter 3

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I told Joseph where I lived and we soon arrived at my house.

Y/n: Thanks for the ride and the food.
Joseph: Your very welcome, do you mind lending me your phone number so we could do this again sometime.
Y/n: Sure!

I gave Joseph my phone number and got out of the car.

Joseph: Bye y/n!
Y/n: Bye Joseph!

I walked into my house and met with my two Pomeranians. Rosie and Daisy, I named them after my two favorite flowers besides sunflowers, I just also liked those names.

Y/n: Hi my babies!

The dogs ran up to me and started jumping up and down. I walked to the kitchen and put my purse down and took my shoes off. I bent down and started playing with my dogs. They were my pride and joy, the only real reason I'm still holding on is because of them and my parents and of course I can't forget my best friend.

I changed into my pjs and cuddled up in my bed with my stuffed animals. Btw no one is two old for stuffed animals. I turned on the tv and watched overboard, the 1987 film. I loved that movie. I heard my phone ding and I looked at it to see Joseph texted me.

Joseph: Hey y/n, just texting to see if you wanted to do something tomorrow or another time.
Y/n: You miss me already?
Joseph: Today was a lot of fun and I wanted to go out with you again.
Y/n: I'm free tomorrow at 6.
Joseph: Perfect, can I pick you up then?
Y/n: Sure, can't wait!
Joseph: Goodnight darling.
Y/n: Goodnight Joseph.

I found it kind of funny and exciting that he called me darling but I'm sure it's just a British thing... right? I watched the rest of my movie and got ready for bed but the only thing I could think about the entire time was Joseph. I had a lot of fun today to, the most fun I had in awhile. Maybe Joseph was exactly what I needed right now.

I woke up in the morning and slithered out of bed. I went to the kitchen and made myself some lemon water with some toast with an egg in it. I ate my breakfast and drink my lemon water before I went to get ready for the day. I had planned to hang out with my friend and mom today but first I had to walk my dogs.

Y/n: Rosie! Daisy!

The dogs came running up and I put the leashes on them. I grabbed my dogs portable water bowl and we headed out the door. I walked around the block with the dogs and luckily didn't get spotted but I heard my phone ding and looked at it. A message from my mom. She sent me a picture of me and Joseph at brunch, in an article. Are Joseph Quinn and y/n y/l/n dating? Or are they just friends?

Y/n: Are you serious, Rosie can you believe this, I can't even hang out with someone without getting called out!

I shoved my phone back in my pocket and kept walking. I walked back to my house and took my dogs off their leashes. They ran off to their beds and I got my stuff ready to go meet my mom and friend.
I drove to the park and sat down at a bench as I waited for them. I heard someone walked behind me and I turned around to see my mom.

Y/n: Hey mom!
Mom: Hey sweetheart.
Y/n: We are still waiting for Brandon.
Mom: Okay, are we going to stay here for the day?
Y/n: Yeah sure!
Mom: Good because it is beautiful out here today.
Y/n: Yeah it is.
Mom: So about that Joseph guy, what were you doing with him? Is he your boyfriend?
Y/n: Mom!
Mom: What I'm curious.
Y/n: We we're just having brunch.
Mom: He is a cute one and you looked so happy in the picture.
Y/n: He was nice and he wants to hangout again today at 6.
My mom gave me a silly look and then Brandon walked up to us.

Brandon: Hey guys!
Y/n: Hey Brandon, it's been a while.
Brandon: Yeah it has been, that's why I'm glad you called.
Y/n: Let's sit.

We sat at the bench and started talking about our lives and what was going on. Brandon every brought us some lunch so we had a little picnic as well then I seen some paparazzi on the other side of the street.

Y/n: Guys look, the paparazzi.
Brandon: I forget that your famous.
Y/n: Sometimes I do to.
Brandon: Now they are going to turn this into a whole article like that Joseph Quinn one.
Y/n: You seen that?
Brandon: Everyone has seen that.
Y/n: I love being famous and all but sometimes I really enjoy my privacy.

It was soon 4 o'clock and I had to get home to get ready to meet up with Joseph.

Y/n: I had a great time but I have to get going now.
Mom: Oh right, your date.

She winked at me as he laughed a little bit.

Brandon: Date with who?
Y/n: No one, I don't have a date.
Mom: Uh huh.
Y/n: Im just going to hang out with him.
Mom: Same thing.
Brandon: With who??
Y/n: Joseph.
Brandon: The same Joseph that was in the article?
Y/n: Yeah.

A sly smile creeped on his face.

Y/n: Save it!

I left to my car as I heard them snickering behind me. It wasn't a date. I drove back home and took a shower. I dried my hair and went to my closet to pick out my clothes. I picked a cute crop top with some baggy pants. I paired it with some black boots. I went back into the bathroom and brushed my hair. I put half of it up and left the other half down with two  strands on top falling onto my face. I looked pretty good. Lastly I put some jewelry on and heard the doorbell ring. I walked downstairs and opened it to see Joseph there. He looked so handsome in his button up time and baggy pants. My dogs started barking as they ran up to Joseph and started jumping in them. He bent down and started petting them as they licked his hands. If my babies approve then I approve.

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