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it was after Meredith's surgery and the baby was born.

Meredith was asleep while Derek was with the baby. when Derek heard the surgery had gone downhill he couldn't help but feel a tremendous amount of fear for the baby.

they had been trying to have a baby for so long and they couldn't conceive a baby they adopted Zola and that wasn't any easier.

he didn't know what he would do if they had lost the baby, it would only make things ten times worse than they already were... but thankfully he was alright.


visiting hours were over and Cristina couldn't check on Meredith like she had wanted to. nobody had seemed to notice Meredith's condition, all everyone cared about was the baby who was never at risk.

why was everyone so worried about the baby when nothing had happened to him, to begin with? Meredith was the only one at risk.

the baby was out and healthy when Meredith had started bleeding out and nobody had seemed to stop by and see if she was okay.

all people were worried about was the baby.

not even Derek seemed to be worried about Meredith, he had only been by Meredith once or twice and she was still asleep the second time, and when she was awake all Derek could talk about was the baby which she hadn't seem to be too interested in considering the pain she was in and all she wanted was drugs.

Cristina paced back and forth outside Meredith's room door. it came to a point where she couldn't wait anymore and she opened the door and walked in, shutting the door behind her.

"Why did you slam the door shut-?" Meredith asked in a bit of a raspy voice as she tried sitting up in her bed.

"Are you okay?" she said quickly in a panic.

"yes, I'm fine, why do you ask?" she said leaning against the back of the bed, gently placing her hand on her stomach.

"Do you need anything? drugs, a blanket, another pillow maybe?" she asked walking over to her and sitting in the chair next to her.

"No, I'm fine, thank you. where's Derek?" she asked. Cristina looked into her eyes and couldn't see anything but worry, even Meredith was worried about the baby, of course, she worried about the baby, and she always worried about anyone other than herself.

"he's fine, he's alive, screaming, breathing, all the fun stuff. how are you?" she asked again.

"I'm fine, Cris. where is he? I want to hold him," she asks.

"you want to hold Derek? don't you think he's a little too big for that?" she said. she hated that everything was so sad and that Meredith was hurt, and what made it even worse was that no one even seem to notice.

"No, the baby, I want to see him," she said with pleading eyes.

"I'll page Derek," she nodded. she removed her pager from her scrub pants and paged Derek before turning her attention back to Meredith.

"how do you feel, mentally? I know you're fine physically because drugs help with that, but what about mentally?" she asked.

"Why do you keep asking me how I feel? I feel fine, I'm always fine, nothing can make me not be fine," she said, gently rubbing her lower stomach where her incision was.

"Meredith... you went through something, you almost died, you almost bled out on the table and died because you had a baby, I know what it's like to die because of being pregnant and even I wasn't okay mentally after that and I didn't even keep the baby," she said.

"Cristina, I'm fine, I'm fine physically and mentally, now, where's my baby?" she asked. "I don't know, Derek's on the way with him. I think you should see a therapist," she said.

"a therapist? are you crazy? nothing ever happened to me. the surgery went bad but I'm fine now, the baby's fine, that's all that matters, everyone's alive, healthy, and happy, I'm fine. I don't need a therapist," Meredith said.

now she thought Cristina was crazy, a therapist? what was she thinking?

"Meredith, if you don't deal with it now that it's just happened, if you don't deal with it now it will build up into something bigger, I know because I went through it and at least I don't have to look at the person who caused it-"

"my son didn't cause any of this, this isn't his fault, this isn't my fault, this isn't anyone's fault, Cristina. something small happened and that's it, nobody got hurt-"

"You got hurt! you almost died on the table, Meredith! how can you not see that?" Cristian said. Meredith was putting all her problems to the side, once again.

and if nobody did anything things were only going to get worse, Derek didn't care, or even seem to notice, and neither did anyone else.

the entire hospital was talking about it and the conversation always ended with 'at least the baby's okay' or 'if the baby wasn't okay their life would be over' but nobody ever said 'I hope she's okay, she almost died on that table just for her baby to live' or 'she almost gave up her life for her baby' nobody saw it the way it was.

"That's not what matters, the baby's fine, that's what matters!" she raised her voice.

"is everything alright in here?" a voice from the door said. it was Derek holding their newborn baby in his arms who was now dressed in a soft blue onesie.

"no-" Cristina started. "yes, everything's fine. give me him," Meredith cut in, smiling lightly. her stomach still hurt a lot but she wasn't going to complain. she didn't want to ruin this moment with her problems.

her baby was okay and that's all that mattered to her right now, she had an amazing husband, a wonderful daughter, and now she had a beautiful son. ten years ago she never would have thought this was going to be her life but she was happy that it had come to all of this.

her family was all that mattered to her, she needed to make sure her family never ended up like her family, and she had to make sure her kids had the childhood she never had.

that's what mattered to her. nothing else.

New story!

This story was suggested by someone ,thank you! GreysMeredithSwift

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