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Meredith's infection passed with the antibiotics she was given within two weeks.

They had done checkups and exams only to find Meredith was healthy and healed, which now meant she could go home.

She had been longing to go home for so long, to sleep in her own bed without doctors everywhere.

But now that she was able to go home she no longer wanted to. Going home meant she would be alone with both kids.

Zola had always been an easy baby, she didn't cry much and when she did she stopped not long after as long as she got what she was crying for.

But Meredith had a feeling this baby wasn't going to be as easy as Zola was. He was a newborn and he cried when he wanted something or he would just cry for no reason.

He would cry because he was tired but he wouldn't go to sleep because he didn't understand that sleeping would be the cure.

She was already tired without having to watch the baby 24/7. She didn't have the motivation to get up and do things. All she could do was sleep.

Usually, she hated being useless but now she didn't want to do anything. She didn't see the point. She would have to do it all over again the next day so what was the point in doing it at all?

She always knew being a mother was going to be hard, but she was prepared with Zola. And she has been prepared before the birth but now it felt like she wasn't ready anymore.

Derek said he was going to be on paternity leave so her incision could heal and wouldn't have to do any of it alone but there was only so much he could do.

At the hospital, she had help from the nurses and Derek had taken fewer shifts to spend more time with Meredith and the kids so she didn't have to do much other than put him to sleep, feed him, and change his diapers.

But soon she would have to do everything for him. Zola was a Daddy's girl so he would most likely be taking care of Zola for the most part while she would have the baby.

They had been working on the baby's name more since they were going to need a name before they left and they had finally found a name they liked.

It suited him well and they both really liked it. For his middle name, it was already decided at Meredith that they were going to make it Christopher.

Meredith was packing her bag when Derek walked into the room with the baby in his carrier and Zola in his arm. "Hey, are you almost ready?" he asked as he placed both kids on the empty bed.

"Yeah, this is the last of it," she zipped her bag and placed it on the bed as well. One of the nurses pushed a wheelchair into the room before leaving.

"What's that?" she asked pointing to the chair. "it's your wheelchair," he said. "Why do I need a wheelchair?" she asked.

"Because your incision is still healing and it's best you don't walk too much," he said. "Derek," she groaned.

"You can hold the baby on your lap and Zola will walk next to us, she knows not to run off," he said. "But-"

"No, buts, you're using the wheelchair whether you like it or not," he told her. She rolled her eyes and handed Derek the bag.

he hung up the bag on the back of the wheelchair before rolling it towards Meredith. he held it in place as she carefully sat down.

once they had everything situated they left the hospital. Derek got both the kids in the backseat before helping Meredith into the passenger seat.

"So," he started as they pulled out of the parking lot and made started to drive home.

"I called my mother to tell her about the baby and she's going to be here by tomorrow," he spoke. "Okay," she sighed as she watched the houses pass by.

"I was going to run it by you first but she had so much to say when I told her you had a baby and I hadn't even told her that you were pregnant to begin with and I didn't have time to process what she was saying until the phone call ended," he said.

"It's okay. Your mom's nice and she likes me for some reason and she's good with kids so I doubt she'll be in the way. she's never met Zola before so she can get to know her and meet the baby," she said.

"So you're not mad I didn't ask you first?" he asked. "No, she's your mother and the kids need a grandmother and they need to actually meet their grandmother," she said.

"And she's good help, she can help you through the newborn stage since we didn't have to go through any of that with Zola and I know a good amount for all of my sisters' kids.. they never did stop, every year there was a new one," he said.

"And now you're finally catching up," she said. "Yes, I guess I am," he said.

The rest of the drive was pretty quiet apart from the constant babbling coming from Zola and soft snoring from the baby carrier.

After a twenty-minute drive, they finally arrived back at home. Derek helped Meredith out of the car and took the risk of letting her go inside herself despite him strongly urging her to let him help her.

He watched her to make sure she didn't fall or hurt herself as she made it inside on her own before he helped Zola out of the car and placed her on the ground.

He handed her the little bag she brought with her everywhere and told her to go inside with Meredith.

As Zola went inside the house he removed the baby carrier and strapped the diaper bag over his shoulder along with Meredith's bag before going into the house himself.

Once he was inside he locked the door and brought the baby into the nursery as he continued to sleep.

He hung up the diaper bag and gently transferred his son into the cot and watched as he continued to sleep peacefully, snoring softly reminding him of Meredith.

He put away the carrier into the closet before leaving the room to let him sleep.

He found Zola in her room putting her bag away as she attempted to remove her dress.

"Do you want to take a nap?" He asked her as he entered the room, she nodded in response.

He helped her into her pyjamas before tucking her into bed and she fell asleep soon after.

He left the room and headed to the master bedroom to find Meredith.

He found her in there already dressed in her pyjamas as she had already taken a shower at the hospital.

"Where are the kids?" She asked getting used to saying 'kids' rather than just referring to one child while he moved to lounge next to her.

"He's in the nursery and Zolas down her for a nap. This would be a good take for us to get some sleep," he said.

"Get changed and close the curtains," she spoke as she moved to lie down and get comfortable.

He got out of bed and did as she said before getting in bed next to her. They both fell asleep not long after as they had so many things going on and they both had only slept in the hospital.

They could finally sleep together in their own bed again.

Words: 2000

I'm not sure what to name the baby yet. I could just make it Bailey but I was thinking on changing it to something else.


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