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The next few days Meredith had a hard time waking up in the mornings. It wasn't that she wasn't used to waking up at six every morning, it was the getting out of bed part she struggled with.

She hated getting out of bed every morning but she still did it. The never-ending cries of her son tired her more than the lack of sleep she got from Zola constantly waking up during the night.

Her life was like a never-ending loop, every day she lived the same day only she aged and looked more tired as the days passed.

And of course, to top it all off Derek's family would be visiting soon to meet their new son. She couldn't understand why having babies in their family was so exciting, the first few she could understand but they already had so many babies in the family, why were they still so excited to meet this one?

Maybe it was because Bailey was Derek's first child, well first biological child. Lizzie had gotten so upset the last time she was in Seattle for Derek's nerve transplant Meredith didn't want to upset her any more than she already had with Zola.

And although she had a hard time getting herself out of bed she still did it every morning, not for her but for her kids, no matter how much being their mother exhausted her she loved them too much to neglect them like her mother had done to her.

Derek had been great and was doing his best to make sure Meredith was healing correctly. He made sure she slept longer during the day, and he made sure to get out of bed when one of the kids would start crying before she could.

She was happy he cared so much for her but she didn't like feeling like she couldn't take care of her own children.

After some time she wasn't able to get past it She asked Derek to move the cot into their bedroom so she was able to tend to Bailey without having to go across the house.

Usually, Meredith wouldn't be allowed to get out of bed during the day unless she really needed to but since they were going to have company coming soon she would need to be present when his family came to visit.

Derek would be the one to visit everything and his mother was going to be arriving earlier than everyone else to help cook which they would be doing even if Meredith wasn't recovering.

Even though Meredith was technically able to walk and do things on her own Derek still wanted her to be extra careful since she was prone to getting another infection and her stitches could easily tear if she moved the wrong way.

Meredith was now sitting on the couch in the living room with Bailey in her arms as she nursed him while Zola played on the floor and Derek was in the kitchen unpacking all the groceries they needed to prepare for when his family arrived.

Meredith hadn't been out of their bedroom very often and she was happy to be in another room with both kids, even if Derek insisted on carrying her rather than letting her walk on her own.

But it was nice to be out of the bedroom, she started to feel like she was suffocating in there and the air felt thick which made it hard for her to sleep at night.

She had told Derek about it but he said he couldn't feel it but he suggested they started leaving the door open a crack so the air was lighter which helped a lot, especially during the night.

Meredith offered to help multiple times but he preferred her to stay on the couch and take care of Bailey where she wouldn't risk getting hurt.

Bailey signalled he was finished nursing as he kneaded her breast before she removed him. She placed him next to her as she quickly fixed her shirt.

She laid him back onto her chest and leaned back and gently patted his back. Once he was burped she rubbed his back before carefully leaning down and placing him down into the swing.

She glanced over at Derek and saw he was busy putting all the groceries away. She looked at Zola and she was content with her two new dolls that she had gotten for her birthday.

She carefully got up and left the room so she could use the restroom. She could feel a sting of pain but she was careful enough so her stitches wouldn't tear.

She finished up and left the bathroom and went back into the living room before Derek could notice. Bailey started to fuss so she gently rocked him with her foot.

I called everybody to make sure they all knew what time they were supposed to be here and they should all be here by six and my mother will be here by four to help prepare everything," he said.

"Were you able to get everything we need for tomorrow?" she asked as Zola moved to the couch with her toys from the couch.

"No, not everything but I was able to get most of it. I'll just have to drive out of town early tomorrow so we have it in time," he said.

"When everyone is here will you let me do things on my own? I know I can't do everything but I'm cleared to walk on my own and there will be times when I'll need to leave to room to change Bailey or feed him," she said.

"And we're potty training Zola so I'll have to take her to the bathroom time from time," she said.

"Meredith, honey, you know how I feel about that," he sighed as he put some things down and turned to look at her.

"Yes, I know but I can't do absolutely nothing, what will they think if you're doing everything for me and I'm just sitting on the couch ordering you around?" she said.

"Fine, I guess but I want you to be careful, I don't want your stitches tearing, then we'll have to do this all over again," he said.

"I know, I will be careful. and I know I can do it without getting hurt or tearing the stitches but I have to be able to do something or else I'll go insane, and I need to be able to lose this baby weight or else it will be there forever," she sighed as she looked down at her stomach.

There wasn't much but it was noticeable and it bugged her much she had put on since having the baby. It didn't bother her when she was pregnant because the weight was her son but now that he was out she wanted it gone.

"That's the last of my worries. I've told you before I don't mind, I didn't even notice until he brought it to my attention," he said.

"I know but it still others me, and I want this incision to heal as soon as possible, I want it to be as least noticeable as it can be," she said.

"I'm with you on the healing part but I don't think you should let the scar get to you," he said. "I don't like the way it looks and I don't like seeing it when I get dressed," she said.

"I had a much bigger scar when I was shot, did that bother you?" he asked as he made his way into the living room and sat down next to her.

"No, you were shot, that's different. You almost died," she said as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer.

"And you almost died while giving birth to our son, but thankfully you both survived. You shouldn't look at the scar and remember what happened in that O.R., you should look at the scar and remember why it's there. If you didn't have that surgery Bailey wouldn't be here and because of the surgery, you're both here... I'd rather have the of the both of you than just one," he pulled her into his lap and kissed her cheek before pressing a soft kiss to her lips.

"Yeah, I guess so..." she sighed.

"How about I take a break and spend some time with you and the kids, Hmm?" he whispered against the soft skin of her neck, placing a kiss there.

"Okay," she nodded and laid her head down on his chest.

I decided go just go with the name Bailey because I couldn't think of another name for him.

Words: 1437


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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