Chapter 6

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"Perhaps, but isn't it better to bare the nobles' criticism as you always have rather than lose, the people's favour?"

"I suppose, but I won't run. Even if I lose favour and everyone criticises me, as long as I can keep doing my duty to my people I will be satisfied."

Princess Abigail was at a loss for words as her heart clenched in both fondness and pity. She knew from a long time ago that Prince Carl would fulfil his duty to his people no matter what he had to endure because that was what gave his life meaning, but she couldn't help but pity him and how he allowed himself to be trapped like this simply because he was just too good-natured to humiliate those who hurt him.

They don't deserve him, no one does, she thought another barrier coming back up in her heart.

Compared to her, he was too blinding for her to even pretend that she was worthy to stand at his side.

Planting the best smile she could upon her face, Princess Abigail was careful to show none of her thoughts on her face.

"I see, then I will support your choice." she simply said.

Watching her just silently agree with him instead of getting angry and insisting like every time the Queen abused her power to squash him, Prince Carl's heart was unsettled.

"You do?" he asked confused and worried.

Princess Abigail continued to smile. "No need to be so surprised," she replied. "although I am angry, I understand your decision. Besides, nothing says his Majesty will even defend you, he is known for not contradicting her out of guilt from the affair."

Prince Carl grimaced at the mention of that. He hated to be reminded that he was nothing more than an inconvenience in not only the Queen's eyes but in his own mother's eyes. As for the King, he only favoured him and treated him kindly out of responsibility and guilt towards his mother.

He didn't know of his existence until he was about nine years old after all. He only found out he had another son because Prince Carl's mother came to plead with him, asking him to acknowledge their son and give them both a better life than begging on the street.

Once it was proved that Prince Carl was indeed his second son, the King who let the Queen cast Prince Carl's mother who was only a maid at the time out because of the affair, felt great regret and arranged for Prince Carl's mother to live in a secondary residence that belonged to the royal family, while Prince Carl was allowed to live in the royal castle as his son.

That was the last time he saw his mother, and he remembered all too well how relieved she was to leave him behind as if she was just bearing with him until she got her reward.

It was only later he understood that she was truly only using him to get a better life. She neither cared for the King nor her son, she simply used them all to get the comfortable life she desired.

Not wishing to speak of it any longer, Prince Carl simply hummed. "Anyway, I will be busy trying to find the 'Smiling Clown's' trace from now on."

"Very well, then you should get as much rest as you need now," she said making no move to suggest that they should sleep in their shared bed like always.

"Right," he replied failing to keep the disappointment out of his voice. All he wanted was his wife back but every day she just seemed to get further. "goodnight then," he said before leaving.

Watching him go, Princess Abigail also felt disappointed and regretful but quickly shook herself out of it. This was for the best. She wouldn't be able to forgive herself if she hurt him more by pretending everything was okay and she could continue to live this dream life.

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