Chapter 11

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While Prince Carl was sorting through his dilemma, Viscount Clarke left him knowing that he just received a great shock and needed time to see things clearly. This situation should just be black and white, but it was more grey to the couple who he was sure couldn't see things as clearly as others probably could.

On her side, Princess Abigail was summoned by the Queen and her heart simply twisted painfully as she went.

Once upon a time she would be able to shut off all feelings to see things more or less clearly, but now, she couldn't think or see clearly, she could only try to make the right choice knowing that either way she was going to sin and make her ending punishment greater.

No one escaped punishment in life, it came when the time was right, and she was waiting for that time.

Entering the Queen's room, Princess Abigail noticed with great disappointment that Duke Seaver was there along with Noah who she was happy to see, but she wished under different circumstances.

"Your Majesty." she greeted after sparing the two men a glance.

"Good work damaging the Second Prince's image with that rumour," she replied pleased before her expression turned serious.

Princess Abigail tensed further feeling that nothing good would come out of her mouth next. Honestly no good ever came out of her mouth.

"Unfortunately, a few rats have been sniffing around and I fear they have caught on to everything, so I want you to steal everything the Second Prince has found on your identity, so I can use you to take him down completely."

Princess Abigail was suffocated so much that she didn't notice the uneasiness radiating from Noah. Spreading a rumour to ruin her image and her husband's by association was one thing, but stealing from him to incriminate him with her and bring him down completely was something else completely.

She already couldn't face him as she was, if she did this she might as well just die.

Taking her silence as defiance, the Queen frowned. "Abigail," she called sternly, and Princess Abigail flinched. "I don't need to remind you that your parents and everyone you care about life should be your main concern right now, right?" she threatened. "If you obey me, I will keep my promise and spare the Second Prince's life."

Princess Abigail frowned, pursed her lips, and continued to just look down.

She won't say she doesn't have a choice because she could choose not to obey and sentence everyone to death, but she will say that she can't choose the other option because she would rather be stained in darkness to save them.

Knowing as much she looked the Queen directly in the eyes. "Very well, I shall do as you ordered your Majesty," she replied, bowing low.

The Queen smiled pleased. "Good girl," she praised. "I always knew we could rely on you."

Princess Abigail simply clenched her jaw and kept her head cast down missing Noah's sad, guilty look.

If only he could do more. If only he wasn't so weak. If only fate was kinder. They wouldn't be in this situation.

Having received her orders, Princess Abigail hastily left and locked herself in her room for the rest of the day, while Viscount Clarke came to Prince Carl's office with a report.

"Your Highness, her Majesty called her Highness over today and after that, she locked herself in her room."

Prince Carl didn't pause in his work. "I see, keep an eye on her." was all he replied.

He didn't want to treat his wife as the enemy, but he still had responsibilities as a Prince, so for now he will do his duty and take her down should she harm his people more because so far, she's only ever hurt nobles. Nobles that stood in the Queen's way that is. Well mostly.

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