Chapter 19

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Returning from a tea party, the Queen sighed in relief when she was freed from her attire for the day and could finally go rest.

"Took you long enough." said a familiar voice as soon as she entered her room.

Startled, the Queen's heart jumped in fear before she glared at the window where Princess Abigail stood.

"How did you get in here!?" she snapped, and Princess Abigail sighed.

"Is that really what's important right now?" she simply asked in reply shaking the file in her hand.

Quickly distracted by the file, the Queen approached and extended her hand to receive it.

Smirking at this, Princess Abigail moved to hand over the file only to pause halfway and frown.

She shouldn't be hesitating, and yet here she was.

"What is it?" asked the Queen impatiently.

Princess Abigail shook herself out of it. "Nothing," she replied handing over the file.

Taking the file, the Queen flipped through it.

"In there contains evidence for all the Queen Dowager and Duke Seaver's crimes, so use it wisely."

The Queen smiled satisfied. "I will," she said looking at Princess Abigail again.

After she was done taking down her main rival, no one could ever look down on her again, and then she'll rid this kingdom of its two wanted criminals to cement her position further.

Seeing right through her hidden intentions, Princess Abigail smiled in return. "Well then I shall take my leave," she replied before leaving and heading over to Lady Annabelle who had just returned from the same tea party.

"Long day?" she asked jumping her a little.

Turning to her, Lady Annabelle breathed out in relief and smiled. "Your Highness, you scared me," she replied as she approached.

Princess Abigail smiled back. "My apologies."

"It's fine, what can I do for you?" she asked, and Princess Abigail's smile fell.

"I need you to pass on a message to his Highness."

"What message?"

Princess Abigail pursed her lips and hesitated for a moment. "Tell him to move on to the second part of his plan fast. We don't have much time."

"Very well. I will your Highness."

Princess Abigail smiled once again grateful. "Then I'll leave it in your capable hands," she said turning to leave.

"Wait, your Highness!" called out Lady Annabelle, getting her to stop and turn around again a questioning look on her face. "Why don't you stay for a moment longer and join me for some tea and snacks?" she asked her worried gaze betraying her casual tone.

Understanding that Lady Annabelle was probably worried about how skinny she was like Noah was a few days ago, Princess Abigail couldn't help the smile that bloomed on her face.

"If it's not too much of an imposition."

"Never." instantly said Lady Annabelle warming Princess Abigail's heart.

"Then thank you," she replied taking a seat.

Allowing herself this little moment of peace before she returned to Duke Seaver's estate, Princess Abigail felt rested for the first time in a while and actually managed to get a full night of sleep.

A few days later, the Queen hadn't made a move yet and Noah began to worry, but Princess Abigail simply smiled when he confessed his worries to her.

"Why are you smiling?" he asked frowning sceptically.

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