Chapter 10

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Going back to the same slave merchant, Viscount Clarke was able to confirm that Noah was indeed sold at the same time as Princess Abigail.

"So, they were sold at the same time," he mumbled.

"Yes, your Highness."

Prince Carl simply pondered for a moment. "Any word from our spy?" he eventually asked.

"He said that he passed on the message that you wished to meet with him and where," replied Viscount Clarke.

"Good," he said before frowning on thought.

Silence fell over the office, but eventually, Prince Carl realised that Viscount Clarke hadn't left yet and looked like he wanted to say something but didn't dare.

Looking up at him Prince Carl just watched him for a moment. "What?" he eventually asked.

Viscount Clarke still hesitated for a moment more. "Your Highness, do you wish to confront her Highness about all this?" he eventually asked.

"No." immediately replied, Prince Carl. "I can understand why she didn't say anything, so just act normal for now."

"Yes, your Highness."

Bowing, Viscount Calke left the office. It wasn't his place to judge, and neither did he like Princess Abigail less because of this. Her status didn't define her in his eyes, but others may feel differently which is why he asked that question.

Thankfully though, he guessed correctly that Prince Carl wouldn't. As far as he was concerned, the royal family needed more people that didn't just think of status and merits.

While waiting for Noah's answer, Prince Carl carried on as usual but shortly after a rumour about Princess Abigail actually being a slave spread.

In reply, many scorned her and him by extension or mocked them saying that they really matched because they were two low-class people that found their way into high society.

On their side, the people supporting Prince Carl stayed silent and so did the common people, which wasn't good or bad, but Prince Carl had a feeling that the part of high society on his side hadn't said anything in his defence yet simply because they were waiting for the Wilson to make a move so they could hide behind them should there be a fallout.

With allies like them, he really didn't need enemies.

"How dare they!" raged Amber having enough of hearing the rumour everywhere she turned. "Please don't listen to such false words, your Highness. So, what if you were a maid?"

Princess Abigail simply smiled as she sat in her armchair.

"It's fine, I can't deny the truth anyway," she said helplessly.

"But-!" began Amber being cut off by a knock on the door.

Going to check, Amber let Lady Annabelle in at Princess Abigail's order and excused herself.

"Lady Annabelle, what brings you here today?" she asked once they were seated.

Lady Annabelle looked at her with a complicated expression.

"Your Highness, I apologise for my sudden visit, but I came about that rumour," she replied hesitantly.

"Ah," Princess Abigail said in understanding before smiling again. "it's fine, you're always welcome," she reassured her smile turning a bit helpless. "as for that rumour, please don't get involved."

"But your Highness! It's our duty as your allies to defend your honour!" she insisted alarmed.

Princess Abigail's smile warmed at Lady Annabelle's good heart. "I know, but people care more for the rumour than the truth." she simply stated. "Also, there's no denying the truth."

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