Chapter 13

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Having entrusted things to Lady Annabelle, Princess Abigail was more at ease, but she still worried for her friend's safety and most of all for Prince Carl.

The Queen said she would keep her promise and spare his life, but she knew that sometimes death was better than life and that may be the case for him.

Sitting in his dingy cell bruised and battered from the beatings the soldiers gave him, Prince Carl sat on the cold floor, his expression still as unreadable as the night he was exposed before everyone, and only turned from watching the wall before him when he heard a set of footsteps approach.

Faced with his father and a group of soldiers, Prince Carl kneeled before him and bowed as if begging for mercy. "Greetings to your Majesty," he said blankly.

The King just glared down at him disappointed and angry. "Do you acknowledge your crimes?" he asked coldly.

"Yes, your Majesty," he replied. "your son is indeed guilty of knowing the 'Smiling Clown's' identity and sparing them because I allowed my emotions to influence my actions instead of thinking about my duty to the Northern kingdom." he continued. "I am deserving of death."

The King huffed. "Well lucky for you the Queen has pleaded with me to spare your life, but you will be stripped of your status as Prince along with your rights as such, and you will be imprisoned here for life."

Prince Carl just continued to bow. "Thank you for spearing my unworthy life, your Majesty." was all he said.

"Don't thank me thank the Queen," he replied coldly. "if it wasn't for her, I would have already taken your life."

Prince Carl didn't even feel hurt by that. He knew his existence was a burden to his father and that he'd happily get rid of him the first chance he got. It would make his life easier after all, and after seeing Prince Carl's mother's true colours, the regret he felt for not knowing about their situations earlier, turned into regret for even falling for such a woman.

He was only kind to him because he was an innocent child he helped create.

"Then I give my thanks to her Majesty for being so merciful."

The King simply watched him for a moment. "You really disappoint me." he eventually said. "To think I once thought that you could be my successor, what a waste," he said angrily before turning and leaving without once looking back.

Watching his father leave with his soldiers Prince Carl couldn't bring himself to feel regretful for letting him down. Yes, he failed to do his duty as the Second Prince, but was he the only member of the royal family who failed to do their duty?

All these years, the King had allowed the Queen to do as she pleased behind his back and even right before him, and never once has he ever really reigned her in. Yes, he may feel guilty towards her because of the affair but that didn't justify him letting her do as she pleased and terrorise others for her own benefit. So again, was he the only member of this retched family that didn't do their duty?

Whether he was or not wasn't what was most important to him though.

Now that he was here, he could do nothing to help Princess Abigail, not that he could do much more before, but still, now he could only trust that she knew what she was doing. Not that he didn't trust her, but playing both sides was extremely dangerous and he couldn't help but worry. He just knew that with the guilt she felt, she would give her own life to make things right if she had to.

With the announcement of Prince Carl's punishment came many opinions. Many were satisfied, while many wanted his head along with Princess Abigail's.

Meanwhile, the Queen was pleased. With Prince Carl out of the way, her own son and herself got the remaining support Prince Carl once held, well almost.

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