Chapter 9

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"Abigail, " he called making his presence known. "what say you about taking some time off to see your parents?" he asked expecting a great reaction instead of what he got.

At his words, Princess Abigail's expression turned dark, and she stood. "No! Absolutely not!" she exclaimed angered.

Prince Carl was taken aback and shocked. "B-But why?" he stuttered confused. "Haven't you often said that you miss them? You even arranged for them to change homes when we first got married, and you send money to them every month. Wouldn't you like to see them after so many years?"

Princess Abigail only got angrier at his words. "Yes, it would be nice to see them again, but it's still no!" she raged.

Prince Carl was honestly stumped at her reaction. "Abigail, is there a particular reason you don't wish to see them?"

Princess Abigail breathed through her anger, although she wouldn't admit it, it was more fear and anxiety at the idea of seeing them again that was stopping her.

She was honestly thrilled and touched at the idea in reality, but her fear and anxiety clouded her mind, and unable to tell him anything, Princess Abigail could only push him away yet again despite the pain in her heart.

"The reason is the fact that I said no!" she shouted. "Now enough! Leave me be!" she demanded turning away from him.

Greatly hurt by her rejection, Prince Carl's heart shattered, but still, he persisted. "Is Duke Seaver, threatening you?"

Princess Abigail tensed and closed her eyes. "Out!" she shouted refusing to answer.

Hurt and confused, Prince Carl looked at her back with hurt and sadness before leaving.

Hearing him leave, Princess Abigail wrapped her arms around herself as her face scrunched up in pain and sadness. If she could just tell him everything without hurting him and without consequences, she would in a heartbeat, but she couldn't, and her priority should be protecting him most of all from herself.

After digesting their confrontation, Prince Carl was even more determined to figure this out for himself.

Getting her parents' location from Viscount Clarke's investigation, Prince Carl left to meet them using the excuse that a new lead that required his utmost attention appeared.

Travelling far from the capital, Prince Carl eventually passed a rundown town that broke his heart, to reach his destination further out on a little farm.

Exiting his carriage, he and Viscount Clarke went to the little farmhouse and knocked.

After waiting a few moments, a short, older, disfigured woman answered the door. She was blind in her right eye and her face had several burn scars that trailed down her neck, but without a doubt, she had Princess Abigail's delicate face.

"Mrs Villin?" asked Viscount Clarke.

The woman opened the door a bit wider looking at them suspiciously. "Yes? Who are you?" she asked anxiously.

"Please be at ease Mrs Villin, we are acquaintances of your daughter," reassured Viscount Clarke guessing that they probably didn't know that she was royalty.

"Abigail?" she replied hopefully.

"Yes, we have some concerns about her that we thought you may be able to help us with," he said.

"Oh, well, of course, come in," she replied stepping aside to let them in.

Without missing a beat, they entered and sat when invited while Mrs Villin went to make them tea.

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