Whom I Can Trust

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This is going to be short i think-

It had been years and Mafuyu graduated from high school with a degree in music making. By the time it was time to go she packed up and left without another word. Mafuyu still resented her parents for making her leave, she didnt talk to them at all and was happy when she left.

Mafuyu's POV

I arrived at my college campus and moved into a dorm. I got a bit confused of my direction that I crashed straight into someone.
"Itai..." I thought before getting up.
Whom I saw was a beautiful girl who stared down. She had beautiful long kind of silver hair but had a tint of light blue. She had blue eyes that kind of resembled the sky color.
"Im so sorry, are you alright?" She asked.
"Yes, im sorry for bumping into you." I replied.
I didnt want to make it more awkward so I rushed off.

An hour later I settled in my dorm temporarily and waited to see my roommate, it turned out to be the girl from before
"Hey, you ran off and I didnt get to introduce myself!" She said
"Im sorry" I apologized.
It turned out, her name was Chisato, she came here also to pursue her dreams but she didnt tell me what. However she reminded me of someone..I didnt know who...

Third person POV
Mafuyu forgot everything in her past life and was too focused on her new life, she didnt remember anything.
She made new friends and distracted herself with work to get her mind off of her past life.

Months later in class

Mafuyu's POV
Chisato and I were in the same class, we spent a lot of time together. We eventually got closer and I decided to open up to her about my parents.
"Hey Mafuyu, you never seem to talk about your family, what are they like?" She asked
I paused but I decided to just tell her minor details.

I told her everything...well all I could remember.
"Wow, your parents suck." She said to me and I couldnt help but laugh a bit.
"I had to put up with them." I said smiling
Chisato could cheer me up when I consult my problems to her. She was the best.
I seemed to smile a lot, and after a while I stopped thinking about my parents.

"Good riddance" i thought.
I focused more on studies and hung out with Chisato whenever I could. I really couldnt stop thinking who she reminded me of.

Chisato and I graduated college with flying colors and we promised we'd stay in touch. We added each other on our phones before we went separate ways.

"Im so happy to make a friend I can tell my feelings to and trust.."


To be continued

(I really didnt know what to add next. To make up for it I'll start the next part immediately. And I know this series might be short and I apologize dearly. Bye now)

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