From heart to heart

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Narrator POV:

Y/n and Ruby stare at each other for a few seconds, until the boy leaves the handstand and apologizes.

"H-huh, sorry, just a second" he crouches down and picks up his shirt off the floor and turns to talk to the girl...

Ruby straightens up to talk to the older student, she remains surprised, after all she was talking about the boy a little while ago.

"Aham, well, Hello! my name is Y/n L/n, it's nice to meet you properly" he then extends his hand in a fist bump

"E-eh, i'm Ruby Rose, nice to meet you too" she returns the bump...

They stand in awkward silence

Ruby then remembers why she even came here,
"My dad had this for you... sorry it must be cold already" she still looks embarrassed about the situation,

Y/n smiles kindly, and takes the cup

"Nah, it's ok... so how about we have a talk?" Y/n then leans against the tree next to him and sits down, he pats the ground at his side, inviting Ruby to sit down.

Ruby calms her nerves and sits next to the Boy, curious as to what he wants with her.

"I just talked to Qrow, he said you guys talked...So, how are you?" Y/n asks seriously, after all the girl's mental state may not be very good at the moment

Ruby visibly deflates, her eyes show her sadness

"I just don't know what to think at the moment...there's a lot going on" she replies, bringing her knees to her chest, and trying not to cry.

"I can imagine, I also have a lot to think about at the moment... to be quite honest I feel like I could have been more helpful you know?" Y/n rationalizes, while looking at the sky

Ruby looks at the boy with slight surprise,
"Y-yeah, I feel that way too"

Y/n then look into Ruby's eyes

"But the more I think about everything that happened, the more determined I feel... Everything that happened that day only made me stronger, and that strength will be used to help more people in the future..."

Ruby's eyes widen a little at the boy's determination, she nods in agreement.

"And more than that... our enemies that were once in the shadows, now show themselves in the light, it just makes it easier to defeat them. Besides, At the moment crying won't help anyone, we're hunstman in training, we're the next generation of Heroes, we have to stand firm..."

The Enemies part causes Ruby's thoughts to go to a certain woman, the one to be blamed for it all, Cinder Fall

Ruby wipes her eyes on her sleeve, and at the thought of her enemy her once sad eyes now narrow with a purpose in mind, they need to stop her, and discover her motives...

Y/n smiled, seeing the girl's face of concentration and purpose...

Ruby suddenly stops thinking about her current goals and looks at Y/n...

"H-hey Y/n... how about you? H-how are you?" she stutters a bit, asking this to someone she barely knows is weird, but she still worries, the boy seems like someone nice.

That makes Y/n think a bit,

'Even though I knew what would happen... the events of that day still affected me, especially the supposed death of Ozpin... I know that he will come back, but still I feel sad, the man practically took me off the streets in this world and gave me a purpose'

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