episode 2: the wholesome maid, Belfast

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As the sun comes up, darrick is still sleeping and heard footsteps approach his room. The door open, and someone pull the curtains out. She bend over to darrick and whisper in his ear

???: Master, it's time get up.

Darrick: who's there?! Oh.... Hi? Who're you?

Belfast: my name is Belfast, young master

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Belfast: my name is Belfast, young master. I'll be your own personal maid. (Bows)

Darrick's mind: (she's so beautiful. But why she'd called me "master"?)

Darrick: I'm darrick. Nice to meet you, miss Belfast. (bows)

Belfast: oh my, javelin was right, you are a gentleman at heart.

Darrick: oh, thank you. But, may I ask you a question, Belfast?

Belfast: what is it, master?

Darrick: that. Why'd you call me "master", I don't understand?

Belfast was confused about the question and she answered darrick's question.

Belfast: it's a maids duty to call you "master" because you are the first male person in azur lane.

Darrick: oh. That'd make sense! But, please don't call me master. I feel so bad, cause I'm a boy.

Belfast: of course, my Lord, darrick.

Darrick: (sigh) oy vey... Let's just go and get some breakfast.

Darrick and Belfast went to the mess hall and saw javelin, laffey, ayanami, and Z23. Darrick has waved at them and they wave back at him.

Javelin: good morning, darrick!

Darrick: hey guys!


Darrick: uhhh.... Is laffey asleep right now??

Z23: she'd always does it, darrick.

Darrick: have you tried waking her up?

Javelin: we tried to, but didn't work.

Darrick: she's more a heavy sleeper than me! And that's saying something.

Everyone ate their breakfast, clean the dishes, and darrick is feeling his ears was clogged by the earwax. And Belfast saw it.

Belfast: javelin. Could you get supplies for me?

Javelin: sure.

She ran off and darrick was confused

Darrick's mind:( where's she going?)

( I hope you know what's happening right now.)

Belfast: young master. Come put your head on my lap, please?

Darrick: huh?! But, why?

Belfast: I'm going to clean your ears. Come here, please?

Darrick: (blushes) ummm, ok.

Then he put his head on her lap and she'd massage his ears before cleaning them, and darrick never felt someone massage his ears but Belfast's hands was gentle and warm. Javelin came back with the ear cleaning supplies.

Javelin: here's the supplies you've asked for!

Belfast: thank you, javelin. Now, darrick, I'm going to clean your ears. May I?

Darrick: of course, Belfast.

She started to clean his ears, he felt like she was a very wholesome, gentle person that he ever met. His started to feel asleep in her lap. Some hours passed, he started to wake up from his nap.

Darrick:(yawn) did I fall asleep?

Belfast: yes, you did. You look so cute when you're sleeping.

Darrick:(blushes) uhhh, thanks. What time is it? Belfast, is it night time?

Belfast: it is. I believe it's time to head to our dorms.

They parts ways. Darrick went back to his own room and get on the bed. He went to sleep immediately. When his was sleeping, someone wrapped her tails around darrick.

Akagi: I've found you, my dearest brother, darrick.

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