episode 3: his sisters, akagi and kaga.

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He was starting to wake up, he felt something wrapped around him. He sees some kind of fur, fox fur to be exact. and see a woman with animal ears. He was starting to freaking out, but Belfast came in.

Belfast: master, it's time to - oh my..

Darrick: I'm just as confused as you are, Belfast.

???: You like my nine tails, my dearest brother darrick~?

Darrick: who're you?!?!

???: Aw~, i hope you remember me. I'm akagi, your sister.

Darrick: what...? how...? Why...?! I have so many questions!!!

Belfast: I don't see any resemblance between you and akagi.

Akagi: it's because we adopted our dearest brother here. My, you've grown so much.

Kaga: it's true.

Darrick: who're you now?!?!

Kaga: sister akagi, I thought he remembered us.

Akagi: that's what I thought. But that doesn't matter now, because we've finally reunited with you, darrick.

Darrick: I can't even process this right now. Oh crap! I forgot, i got to hang out with ayanami.

Kaga: you met her?

Darrick: yes, I did. Along with her, nimi, javelin, and laffey.  I promise her that her and I gonna play a game.

Akagi: I can't believe you've made friends! (I should've brought amagi to see our brother.)

Belfast: I think it's time for akagi and kaga to leave.

Kaga: you're right. akagi, it's time to leave.

Akagi: ok. Bye darrick~.

Belfast escort akagi and kaga out of his room, and darrick was getting ready to hang out with ayanami. He got dressed, walked to ayanami's dorm, and knocked on her door. She opened the door.

Ayanami: hey, darrick.

Darrick: hey, ayanami. is the game booted up?

Ayanami: yes. Also, you're going down.

Ayanami let darrick inside her room, those two played Dragon Ball XenoVerse 2 for 20 rounds.
And, you guess it, ayanami won. Darrick was surprised that he was beaten by a girl in the game!

Ayanami: looks like I won. I'd really have fun with you, darrick!

Darrick: yeah, I did. But I can't believe you've beaten me. I think, I got a competition on my hands.
But, that was a good game.

Ayanami was happy because she's a got a good friend. And darrick was really happy about this.

Javelin: do you two have a great time.

Darrick: yeah, she'd beaten me, right?

Ayanami: (nodded) I'm pretty much undefeated.

Z23: I'm surprised that you didn't get angry, darrick.

Darrick: I don't. I listened to music on my phone. But, I'm glad that I made new friends!

???: You're darrick, right?

???: You're darrick, right?

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Darrick: who's this?

Javelin: this is cleveland.

Cleveland: it's nice to meet you.

Laffey: she's known as "knight of the sea".

Darrick: that's cool!

Then Cleveland ask darrick question about where'd he come from and people that he didn't met before. She's really curious about him.

Cleveland: I can't believe you're the only male person here.

Darrick: right! Maybe, I can live here in azur lane and call it my new home!

Cleveland: I can be your friend to! If that's alright with you.

Darrick: it's totally fine, Cleveland.

Cleveland: thanks! ( Maybe I can asked Enterprise about him.)

As Cleveland walked off, and was happy about him

Darrick: I think it's time to head to bed. Right, fellas?

Laffey/javelin/Z23/ayanami: yeah!

This was a wholesome story. I hope you guys enjoyed it.
But, maybe I should write how akagi and kaga adopted our boy, darrick.

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