Chapter one: the cleansing

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I don't know how I could start this without sounding crazy, as life goes by with a snap of the finger, with gods point of view, it's all just going by like a show, each season, each episode of life, every second of every day, but the question is that we decide who we are each day, but than again everybody in my home town has viewed me as so my whole life, the outcast.

Me, Easton, a seventeen years old, about to turn 18 in October 17th have been having the strangest dreams. It feels so vivid to the point of when I wake up my body feels beaten and fatigued as if I was up all night running, I have to take aspirin to even get through the morning most days, doctors haven't been any help what so ever with them saying that everything is fine within my body.

But the dreams.... All I can recall is that yes, I am running in my dreams, running for my life, the sky is a pitch black with crimson red fog filling the forest around me, I don't look back as I can feel something right behind me, I never get a chance to look back due to fear, fear of what horrors I may see, I could hear to what it sounds like a group of people chasing me, at some points it feels like somebody is right behind me touching me with the tips of their fingers almost grabbing me, but I still keep running and I don't give up, I get to a cliff at the end of the dream, seeing the blood moon between the gap of the cliff, I know that's my only escape, my safe haven. As I jump it all goes dark and I wake up in my bed with a puddle of sweat drenching my pillows and sheets, I'm writing this because it just happened again.

I woke up with my heart racing, not aware of what time or day it was, it was a dim light appearing through the attic window on the top floor, I reach for my phone realizing that it's not even plugged in, my room was feeling heavy as it felt like there was a fire cooking underneath the floor boards but no smoke, I decide to open the window and sit on the frame, getting my first gasp of fresh cool fall air with the wind blowing, filling the whole room as the heat goes out. I look up at the sky and just remembered that it was Friday yesterday so it must have been at least 2 or 1 a.m.
I goes over to my phone to plug it in seeing it actually was 2:34 a.m, I wasn't upset with my life or the place he was at in life, many people assumed that I was depressed, or a fraud of being a spiritualist or witch, but they all knew and could feel a heavy presence as anybody ever went around me, resulting in being the popular loner, but I was still always an outcast. Due to me being born and raised here in this town I'm not surprised, with all of those traits to me I was also the gay senior at school, many people never believed I was fully gay and when they did they thought it was a joke, but of course there were those who still thought I was bisexual from how I appeared, I'm a 5 foot 11 dude with the style of the early 20s or late 90s, that era always spoke to me, one of the dreams I had growing up my whole life was to become a model, I've been told I give off vampire energy, the mysterious guy that nobody really knew but had his fair share of haters

That didn't stop me from living the kind of life I wanted. My mother always said she was supportive of whatever i did but I could always see it in her eyes that she didn't want what was best for me, she never thought of saw any real future for myself, let alone ever supported me emotionally in anything. I still loved her of course as she was my mother, me and my father weren't to close although the tension has come and go through out the years, but I never hold grudges, I go to my dresser and pull out the bottom drawer with my supplies and tools for my practices and rituals, other hiding places for other kinds of rituals as well, all pure of course as I'm a worker of the divine, a light worker, an energy warrior. Yes, the world frowns upon people like me, my town still has it in their head that I "made a deal with the devil" to get to where I am now, but in reality I manifested all of it, the daily affirmations for myself, for my appearance, it changed my energy and in result started to change my face and my appearance, I'm serious, from three years ago I looked like a whole different person.

Many people around the world still don't quite understand how it all works, not knowing what's after life when I have seen it, that's a story for another time though as it already is our world, the spiritual world doesn't simply just overlaps our world or is a whole other dimension, we live in the spiritual world as it is, but as I said already, that's a story for another time, but was I pure? Was I a good person with nothing but good and pure intentions, of course! I couldn't ever put somebody in a state of being or take somebody's life, the world we live in is of good and evil, evil rules this world in more ways than one.
I grab the dragons blood incense as it's one of the strongest cleansing materials of incense there is of cleansing the energy, energy is magick and magick is science, as it already flows within us and outside of us, we are both beings of limitless power and flesh and bone, but there are those who abuse that power, it turns them dark, light and darkness are both pure, but as I said before, corruption is still possible for anything or anyone, some slip to far gone to ever come back to the service, negative entities influence us in our daily lives, effecting us in a million little ways, I grew up being haunted my whole life until I realized one thing.... I was a creature of the night, a primordial being who could defend himself, protect himself from the unseen, as anybody could but I woke up to this long ago and have been ever since till this day.

I light the dragons blood incense on my book self in the middle safe and sound and go sit on my window ledge smelling the fresh air of the woods in the distance, our town was basically a forest as trees we're everywhere and a national park full of miles and miles of acres of land, I loved mother earth, mother Gaia, I remembered that I haven't smoked in awhile and that it was time for a spiritual practice, I pulled out my white sage broken in peaces, many have always gotten it confused with cleansing, but it's quite the complete opposite, white sage invites spirits into you home, but remember intention is everything, with the tools you use and their proposes used property.

I pulled out my spell book of sigils and runes, a form of white magick, i grab four white candles, representing the elements of light, carving the sigil to invoke the divine and archangels for powerful healing and protective energy, in doing so I am casting a spell with the engraved candles lit and the runes in the center channeling the kind of energy I am calling upon into the rune of protection, four candles lit, west, south, easy north representing each of the four elements.
"I call upon archangel Michael, angel of justice and war to bless this pendent sun and pendant of yours in powerful light, bright protective energy bless it be" as I did that, I felt the wind blow strong into my room, as I held it in my hands in the moonlight as the moon has powerful energy, it's tied to us in so many ways, specifically psychic abilities.

I could see a golden aura form around the pendant radiate off of them both, I let the candles go out on their own as I meditated with the pendant in the center of the four candles to harness the energy even more, as well as ground myself for the week going forward, I heard the waves crashing against the cliff side of the ocean, I was feeling safe enough knowing I was in the safety of my third floor attic, even if I didn't have my own room this was better, the view was gorgeous of the long crashing trees of the mountains as if it was an ocean of pine and fresh air, as it was perfectly formed as the waves, waves of the earth, and in the distance I could see the ocean fading off into the distance with the moon dipping into it as the sun rises from it like a Phoenix rising from it's ashes again, the beautiful golden warmth, the Phoenix was a symbol of hope, an immortal being who could come back no matter what, not even death could catch it, loop hole in nature.

I remembered back to the dream that the purple moon must have been Hekate trying to reach me, as I have astral projected to the underworld before in dreams, on a boat in Persephone's domain.

I was in a river and there was a golden tunnel of leaves with a golden ray of light shining through, it was more spring than anything I have ever seen, the smell of fresh leaves was amazing. Hekate is the goddess of witchcraft as she possibly was trying to get me to work with her in my craft as well, Hekate wanted me to make her an alter as well which is harmless, many christians get the idea that these are "demonic, wicked forces at play" when we work with anything other than God when in reality it's not like that at all, this is the part of the story I have waited to tell somebody for a long time.

The part of the story that reaches is out of the deep slumber we have been kept in for so long, the reality we live in was all a lie told to us, have you ever wondered about where all those missing kids go, the ones who were in the milk cartons for so many years, all the missing fliers, what if I told you that their was a cult who was responsible for many deaths around the world, an immortal demonic cult, what if I told you that the cult was a group of men who sighed their names away to the king of all liers, the one being who wasn't Lucifer but much, much worse, what if I told you this cult was the illuminati.

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