Chapter two: twilight hope

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I'm well aware that many believe I'm crazy as it is, evil, crazy, mean, a villain, truth is I'm the polar opposite, I've been getting stalked for quite some time now,
the funny thing is that I recently moved town again, I have for the past three years, my step aunt owns this property, I'm currently taking a gap year so I don't have to do anything, they are letting me take this off to "live my life" but yes, the past three years I finish a semester than switch to another town with my step aunt keeping me safe, shes rich so it would make since how much we did, but never got a reason why we did, she would just say "that school wasn't fit for you, I know what's best".

Yes my step aunt Marina was overbearing, but she did love me like I was her own, I never knew my birth parents, hell let alone my adopted parents, they died in a mysterious train crash in new York, the tracks were off track? There was a glitch in the mechanics? Who knew, nobody ever found out.

I'm in the IEP, so I've always had a hard time getting any work done as it is, especially on my own, but my step aunt is extremely strict with my future, with what I eat, bringing up the fact that I used to starve myself all for a guy who never cared or loved me, yes I did, but not just for him, for most of my life I have been on my own, in fact my whole entire life,

The property my step aunt owned is a large stone mansion basically, first glimpse of where I was staying and they would think of a Cinderella type situation,
or flowers in the attic where they couldn't even care enough to give me a room of my own, but yet once they truly see it from my point of view, my perspective of the view, the warmth of the attic, the kind of energy that it contains, ancient, almost a kind of feeling you get when the sinister darkness surrounds the outskirts of the walls, over all it gave me a since of security and safety.

I realized that I haven't smoked in more than 4 months, seeing that I realized that it was perfectly fine for me to do so, but I had to get prepared, I went down stairs to get some water for hydration as the body was the temple and that water, the purest forms of detox and cleansing the body there was and so to the energetic body as well, in other words your aura, soul, spirit, it was you.

As I opened the door I felt had a psychic flash, a vision of the a group of dark hooded figures, I had a really bad feeling that something was coming, I wasn't sure what,
I already knew the illuminati was on my tail as it was, as they are with many more people who are like me, who don't fit in the system and break free from their control, being different, embracing who you truly are makes you a target on your back, a hard fate but yet it's so worth it.

I rushed down stairs knowing my aunt was still asleep and that the house was locked up in every window and door,
I was sure of it, as I'm walking down the hall I hear the howling of the wind getting stronger,
it sounded like a storm was coming, could that have been the feeling?

I wasn't sure but I could feel a presents with me, archangel Michael was right by my side, I looked down at my hands and they were radiating golden energy, I was energetically protected so I knew I was safe from any beings, I formed energy balls in my hands nun the less,
a form a energy manipulation I mastered, as it can be used as a weapon against any being in the energetic realm, our greatest weapon against the unseen, but little did I know how potent that power truly was.....

I felt whatever it was die down a little bit, as I made it to the kitchen I turned the lights on grabbing a water bottle from the fridge, I peaked through the current of the kitchen just to make sure that vision I had wasn't at my door steps,
always being prepared for anything, to my surprise nothing, I felt relieved as it could have been simply a vision of the cult from afar, remote viewing it's called, being able to see things without having to see it, a form of astral projection but by sight.

Their must have been a meeting somewhere, another blood label, oh this is where it gets dark..... The blood labels are the dark witches rituals of immortality, but it's a sacrifice of selfishness, greed and wickedness, drinking the blood of the youthful and stealing their energy, a truly evil rituals..... Blood magick.

I on the other hand have found the true secret to forever youth, water, yes I know how that sounds, but think of it, water is one of the four base elements, if you have heard of the story of the foundation of youth than that's the secret of immortal youth, many don't know this as it's scientific facts that water is crucial to cleansing the body over all, water fasting to help digest food, etc etc, I go back up to my room turning off the light on the way out, as I reach my room, closing the door I all of a sudden hear a loud thunder strike.

seeing my window wide open I quickly rush over in a panic, but the more I panic the stronger the wind gets as the storm forms awfully quick, I try to close the windows but the wind is to strong as rain starts to poor down, I get brushed back hitting my head against the shelf knocking me out.

I try standing up, as I did so I push the window down with all the force of my body, successfully doing so, the storm was pounding on my window like a stranger trying to break in, my head was throbbing, I felt dizzy with every second passed, I knew that I couldn't fall asleep, that was the first rule of a head injury, especially when you felt tired, don't lay down and don't close your eyes, stand up and go to the hospital, but how could I, if I tried to go down stairs I would collapse, I everything was going black like when you get up to quickly, I tried to grab the water bottle for a sip so I didn't end up sleeping, stay awake I told myself over and over, but the urge was getting stronger, I was all alone so it made it worse.
I didn't have the energy to call out for help, I knew I had to options, keep trying to stay awake, go get help by at least trying to go down stairs, or I could give in, give in to the void, part of me sort of wanted to, I mean I had no friends, nobody ever wanted to even look at me, let alone talk to me when I do try to go to any events, I'm all alone, I had nobody in my contacts I could call, my step aunt doesn't use a phone or a house phone, the town we live in was small so I knew nobody and there wasn't anyone around who could hear me scream for help anyways, it was to late, my eyes were rolling into the back of my head, before I fainted I called out, "anybody..... Help.... me...." I collapsed.

Darkness..... Darkness was all I saw, I felt the cold grasp of death, I knew this couldn't be it, that the beautiful world I was promised, that I would be one with the universe again, but all I saw was darkness....
Suddenly I realized I was moving, I was raised up, slowly yet shortly I was being lifted up in twilight golden clouds, I looked below and saw nothing but a void of darkness, but looking up I saw a golden white light shine down upon me, as it did I saw beings form, they were thousands of angels all around me, beautiful, beautiful angels in their truest forms, angels can take the form of either human or celestial forms, either or I found them more beautiful to the naked eye. "We've got you" said the millions of voices, it all sounded like one being channeled through them, a deep voice, not feminine or masculine, but both.

I felt a since of love as well, I've waited for this day for so long, seeing.... All of you..... I couldn't ask for more, I said with passion and love as they were my protectors, including the one of them all, the great spirit, some say it's God, some others say the creator, but nun the less I was apart of it just as much as it was apart of me, We all love you Easton, so much, you have a job to do still, a quest, you didn't think this was your time, did you? With a powerful yet soothing chuckle in their voice,

I knew this, even though I wanted this to last forever, for me to stay with them, I felt as if they were my family, my true family, the ones who I have always were meant to be with, one like them, the eternal warmth of the divine light watching over me as I do my part in the great design.

I'm aware.... I said with disappointed in my voice, as I knew what life was, coldness, pain, sadness, feeling... But also love, joy, excitement, the feeling of rain falling all around you, the morning sunrises with that same familiar light the sun gives warming the skin on your body, the feeling of coldness..... All of these beautiful things with comes with the bad as well, it was all what made me have the human experience and I knew it was time right when I said it.

There's one last thing we want you to know, Easton, your about to unlock an ancient gift, a gift many have abused throughout the millennium, we trust you and you alone with this as you were born for this, please use it wisely, for with great power comes great responsibility.
I didn't see anybody touch me, but as the light shined down upon me I felt something rap around me completely as if it was a giant hug from the unseen beyond the light, I felt a soft hand curses my face and my chin as it guided me back down into the void.

All of a sudden I felt myself falling into the darkness again, into the void where it felt never ending but within seconds I hit solid ground and within that moment I'm back home, in my room, in my body getting up in shock, feeling like one of those dreams where you jump off a cliff and when your about to hit the ground you wake up, wild.

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