Chapter four: heart of the storm

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Due to the understanding that we are one and all in the same, we are everywhere and everybody at once, there was a group of people called The gnostics, a group of Christians who believed that their was a divine spark in humanity, people with God like abilities, psychic abilities but so much more, the ability to manipulate energy of the elements, I've masters some of the four elements, wind, fire, water, earth on the other hand meh.
I don't know, although I do channel a lot of my energy into trees, giving them life, regardless of what the energy is, talking to trees are actually very therapeutic, such as "the giving tree" that's as true as it goes, I give energy to trees and in exchange they give back to me, siphoning the energy of the earth, doesn't matter from what tree exactly, it keeps me grounded in earth energy.

I go into the woods a lot to stay grounded, theirs a clearing of a field I lay in, with flowers sounding it, it's to perfect yet beautiful all at once, with trees sounding it with a clearing of sun rays shining down on specific places, sunlight heals my soul and me so much, the warmth of the sun, the feeling of it's solar/divine energy, it just feels so good as I would lay against a tree with a blanket underneath me, I wanted to go out that day, but I knew the responsibility I had, the promise I made to my step aunt to go to that event, I still wasn't aware of what it was but I was ready, I go up to my room to get my shoes and rings on, along with the perfume I wore, oh yes, men can wear perfume no shame or limit to that.

I sprayed my coconut vanilla perfume on which gave a warm since to me, getting my shoes on cuffing my jeans, putting my blessed rings on of protection, one is made out of titanium which is one of the strongest metals in the world, not to mention the energetic properties it carries are amazing, they create a barrier of protection against all negative energies, not to mention I blessed it with the power of archangel Michael, and the other which was a black anxiety ring with controlling my emotions as she is the mother of all witches.

I grab my rose essential oils putting them on my neck and wrists, as I was always drawn to sirens, the ocean felt like it was apart of me, I have always dreamed of me being done shape shifting Magical creature in the ocean, knowing that, it gave me a since of foundation within the spiritual realm, most people associate themselves with starseeds within the spiritual community, but I know for a fact I have ties to the fae realm.

When I was a child, from the years of 4 to 6 I went to a Christian School, I know, I know, how I've "fallen from grace" a Cristian boy turned witch of course they will view me like this, but it was only much after I started practicing witchcraft, or even realizing I could even do any of this, there was a playground in the school I went to, this large tree with roots so big that you could climb them and a small play house made of wood with little pots and pans, cupcake tins, toys for the children to play with.

Everyday I would make dirt cupcakes as a little ritual, my imagination went wild with a whole other world being under the tree, I didn't know what it was or what I was seeing, but the sky was red, the roots were white and it was dark, of course I was seeing the fae realm, some evil or sinister, but the ones I attracted were pure childlike fae spirits, they took them as offerings to them, as it was a ritual I did daily.
Even years later they were drawn to me, protecting me, so to my angels as well, the fae are simply magical creatures natural to the habitat.

Much like animals living in nature, these are living spirits, yes spirits can manifest into our physical plane of existence, quite beautiful if I'm being honest, sometimes horrifying by sight, not all spirits are good, there's stories and legends all around the world, many true, some haunt whole town's or villages in complete fear, making sure to not, under any circumstances go outside at night.

I take one last look at myself in the mirror, smiling telling myself how much I love myself and how I'm unstoppable and divinely protected and loved as well, remembering that through out the day, going down stairs I meet my aunt in the kitchen, are you ready? She asked questioning me, yes have everything I need I replied with one of my wireless earbuds in my left ear and phone in pocket, listening to Beach weather, bored of the same old same old, the thought occured to me about somebody from a long time ago as I got in the car, a boy I knew back in ninth grade, at Wyoming, as to no surprise I had no friends, this was about seven years ago? I was 12 at the time, we were watching a movie in class and this boy, his name was John, he was one of the so called "popular" kids in the grade, since we were in 7th grade after all.

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