Chapter five: somebody's watching me.

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As they walked away I calmed myself down knowing my power and who I was, I knew I was more than what they projected onto me.
I could have seen it as them bullying me which yes they were but it's also how you look at it, they see somebody who they have heard about.
Regardless they were insecure, possibly on how I look, how I carry myself, how my confidence comes off as cockiness, but in reality I'm simply deeply rooted within myself, I don't need anybody to tell me otherwise, I look down at my right hand cuffing it and forming my energy into a ball manipulating it, reminding myself who has the real power in the situation inside and out.

The storm clouds started to fade away as I calmed myself down, with the market basically empty now it was extremely quiet only hearing the breeze and the sound of the crashing waves in the distance, I took a deep breath in and felt the wind pick up, all of a sudden of got a feeling of me being watched, the feeling got strong, so strong as if somebody was breathing down my neck.

I walk around looking at the jewelry, rings, necklaces, crystals, the usual kind of stuff you would expect to find at a market place, I walk around a bit and notice at the end of the street there was a man and women both staring at me, I didn't think anything of it, only that they looked like siblings, they looked like they were in their mid to late 20s, as I stared at them they got in their car and drove past me slowly rolling their tinted window up, the feeling of being watched was most likely from them.
But they drove off and went towards the woods and yet I still felt eyes on me.

I go looking for my step aunt and she was gone, I went into a few stores looking for her but with no luck she was no where to be seen, That sudden feeling came back again, of being watched, it could have been a looker in the astral plane yes but who? There's no other spiritualists that I knew of, only the illuminati but that was impossible, stalking one person, but I wouldn't be surprised as human trafficking was common for them, especially targeting kids, vulnerable children who are alone, or teens, they go after certain individuals who have qualities about them.

I guess I would be one of those kinds of people, even though I was basically an young adult with a very sharp perception of the world around me, extremely aware of my surroundings and know how to be street smart when it comes to it as well.
I go into a store called "long lake brights" filled with stained glass windows and artifacts, paintings, an art store.
While I was in their one of the workers, a young boy who looked like he was early 20s to 19 even, a collage student, a tall, blond dude, with slicked back hair and an apron, quite charming looking.
Is there anything I can help you with? The worker asked, no just looking around, did a women come in here by any chance? I asked, no your the first person to come in all day, all of a sudden my right ear starting ringing at a low pitch, I look see the clock behind the worker and it was 1:23 on the clock.

Oh, well thank you anyways, I hope you have a good rest of your day, I said with the thought in the back of my head of how attractive he was but I didn't make it obvious of course, I mean this guy looked like a frat boy, he looked like somebody I would say dream about meeting.
Well thanks anyways and have a good one, I said as I leave, wait! He said in right as I'm about to leave, I'm new to this town and to be honest I kind of need somebody to show me around, I don't know many people here, recently moved he explained, with one eye brow raised.

Oh, Is that right? Well I'm sort of new here to I said rubbing the back of my head with a chuckle,
well, isn't that a coincidence, say there's a festival going on tonight, u wanna come with? He insisted, ya, sure I'm down I said in joy I couldn't believe he was asking me to hang out and get to know each other, I could finally make an actual genuine friend I thought to myself, no strings attached, a fresh start.
Great he said smirking, oh by the way I'm Myles he said with a shimmer in his eye.

Nice to meet you, my name's Easton I said with a smile, causing him to smile, me looking at the time on the clock it was already 2:30, damn where'd the time go? I said in confusion which it only felt like minuets of us talking, I felt something was off in the air, it was nice meeting you, here's my number so we can get in touch later as I pull out a paper from my note book I use for affirmations.
I rip a page out and write my number on it as I hand it to him, he looks at it and instantly pulls his phone out, got it he says as he looks up at me with his ocean blue eyes reflecting back to mine, I could see them so clearly as the sunlight shined onto them through the stained glass window.

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