chapter three: bird eyes view

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Wondering to myself what they meant by that, as I could call on them with ease but not as clear as it was in the divine realm, I look outside my window to see the storm clouds blowing hard, it looked like a twister was going to form only the clouds were spinning, almost as if it was a giant whirlpool in the sky.

Something wasn't right as I looked over at the clock and it was 8:48 a.m that was strange because nobody even knew what had happened to me, once again I was alone during my time in need, I wasn't truly alone, not really, the divine had my hand and held me the whole time.
All of a sudden I hear a knock on my door, "Easton are you up" asked aunt Marina, what are the odds, I wasn't surprised that it's only after I'm floating outside my body somebody comes to check on me, I shake my head answering ya, ya I'm up I replied in a distracted voice.
Okay well we have to be somewhere later today, there's an event we need to attend to aunt Marina said with little detail as to where this location was,
Aunt Marina was like I already said, strict, she loved me of course but had a hard time expressing it sometimes, with the loss of her son, he went missing at the age of 5 a few years before I came into the picture.

There was only one picture she kept stashed away behind her nightstand, looking at it every so often wondering why, why God did this, if God was watching over at all, if God cared at all, aunt Marina cried out his name so many nights, longing for her little boy. It even makes me sad sometimes, well yes for the tough love as she was my only mother figure I ever knew, but also the fact that I knew this, she never talked about him at all, only ever told me his name was Lucius. I got a glimpse once a long time ago when I was 8, he had dirty blond hair with light blue piercing eyes, odd by the fact that he looked somewhat similar to me, but I knew that's why she was cold towards me, that I reminded her of Lucius but of course I never said anything, not even a word out of respect.

I get up off the ground and go into my bathroom trying to find something to dry the floor from the rain, thankfully it wasn't to bad, but it was freezing though I could tell you that much, I light some candles, the room had a fireplace thankfully so I could warm up on the falls morning, I clean up my room and get ready for the day picking out a fit, picking my grey zip up hoodie with my black denim jacket, my ripped denim jeans that went all the way to my knees and a black tank top. I heard down stairs, clothes in hands and phone on top with my necklace and ring I bring everywhere I go, always prepared for anything as I've always had to be on the go my whole life.
It was still a rough morning as it was, being knocked out with my head throbbing still but I was going to live, obviously.

As soon as I locked the bathroom door, setting my stuff down I look into the mirror and I got deja vu majorly, today must have been a crucial day, with what happened this morning with the vision I had right before the divine itself communicating as I was floating between life and death.
Something big was coming, and it wasn't just the cult, I remembered back to what they said "an ancient gift, a gift many have abused throughout the millenia" I wasn't sure what they could have meant but I trusted it, as it spiked my excitement a little, a new adventure to embark on.

I get in the shower as I was humming breakfast by dove Cameron, the lyrics of "so you wanna talk about power?" As it helped me embrace myself and embrace my dark feminine energy unapologetically, yes, a person can embody masculine and feminine energy at the same time, not to mention they can embody the divine feminine energy and dark feminine energy as well, if you know the story of Kali,  "goddess of time, doomsday, and death, or the black godd".
Kali isn't always thought of as a Dark Goddess. Despite Kali's origins in battle, she evolved to a full-fledged symbol of Mother Nature in her creative, nurturing and devouring aspects. She is referred to as a great and loving primordial Mother Goddess in the Hindu tantric tradition. In result, she is both, light and darkness, divine and dark, just as humans are, we are both ying and yang, as it's inside us all, elements and all.

Yes, I embrace my darkness, the actual element of yes, but I also embrace the light as well, darkness more so due to the fact that it fules my power, the light of course does as well, but together, combined it's an unstoppable force to be reckoned with.
Many try to paint the darkness out to be wicked or evil, when trust me, as I have already said, "evil isn't born, it's made" some times to most of the time that is true, due to the fact that most of humanity is simply broken, yes many abuse their power in evil ways, others are turned cold from generational trauma passed down, than they project it onto others, wether it's internal insecurities or external, nun the less this isn't a god complex, my enemies simply have underestimate me my whole life, and the fact I found myself in all the best ways means I won at life, it's not money, materialistic things that make me feel good enough, it's me, I make myself feel good, I am my solid foundation, realizing that your subconscious can create you how ever you choose to.

I've been told so many times to not listen to the haters or negative people anymore, the bullies or toxic individuals, that they only hold you back, that they do it all from places of insecurities, regardless if they gaslight you, guilt trip you or try to make you feel like the bad person in the situation, the one in the wrong, they know what they are doing and it's as I said before to keep you trapped in a mental prison, a prison of their own creation, but yet yours as well, as the only one who hold you back all together is yourself, us humans limit our power so much.

I get out of the shower drying off, and wrapping up, as I stand in front of the mirror I went my face with lube warm water to open the pores in my face, as to me, romanticizing life is finding new interests as well, self-care being one of those,
putting the foam face wash on my face ever so lightly rubbing it in on my nose, forehead, and even my eyelids as a calming ritual, glamour magick, saying beauty affirmations as I do it as forms of staying deeply rooted within myself and myself alone.

Washing it off with ice cold water making sure my skin tightens up. I open the medicine cabinet and grab the jojoba oil as it gives a shine to the skin, most people wouldn't like the dark rings around their eyes, but I always loved the look, especially throughout the past 3 years, I would say it's a tim Berton almost, as I already said, most people would hate this about them, but I love the tired look as it is, I feel like it gives me more details to who I am, and I just find Beauty in them.

As I'm finished with my hair which can sometimes be a hassle to taim due to the waves and curls, for many years I was insecure about how I looked, when that was only the bare minimum of what I should worry about, I realized that I am beautiful regardless of my looks inside and out, as I truly do see Beauty in everything in our world.

Many people can't see it from a bird's eye point of view like me, you could call me a visionary, but I have always kept my mind open to knowledge, they say that humans can use only 10 percent of the brain, but recent research has stated that we can actually use 100 percent and that we already are, but we block those parts of our brain ourselves due to close mindedness, those who have an open mind open more pathways in the brain, more ways of thinking, but as they say, "you a re your own worst enemy" as that's what entities lach onto, truth is I am where I am on my journey energetically, mentally, emotionally, and I value every bit of my being, good and bad, I know who I am, and I know the kinda person that I am.

After I get my outfit on I gently put my sun necklace on as it's a piece of me basically, goes everywhere I go, or if I ever do take it off I have it right next to me on my nightstand hanging over me watching me as it has the sun on it with a face, quite similar to the flammarion engraving, the quest for knowledge, as this was the spiritual journey, the whole point I went on the journey in the first place was for knowledge, I was drawn to all of this my whole life, becoming a witch was of course a whole different journey but yet it's still connected as all energy is the base form of what magick is, your intentions with ur spell, besides the materials you use in the spell of course are more.... Let's just say complex, but evil? No, far from, at least my craft isn't.

You could call me a white witch, a shaman, energy healer, spiritualist, I go by many names and it's because it's all me, you don't need to identify as simply one thing, many people of the "light and love community" bash what I have to say, not all of course, some resonate with it for those I meet along my journey, others claim to be spiritual as a trippy aesthetic, wearing material things, they have lost their way, actions speak louder than words and words speak just as loud as actions.
Many claim to be spiritual than be mean or a bully to the next individual or talk about them behind their back simply due to them not understanding them or seeing things the same exact way as they do, now that is a god complex, some are more advanced on their journey than others, a higher consciousness  which is why many people have bashed me my whole life due to me being different and not like them.

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