Chapter 16

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New York City, New York

The Spire

Floor 92, Spectre Floor

December 4, 227 P.F.E

1515 hours

Via gets led away from Leo by Sophia. She tries to extricate herself from Sophia's grip, but she's relentless as she guides Via to the elevator banks.
"Are you sure that Leo's not avoiding me?" Via asks, pulling the sides of her jacket tight around her torso to comfort herself.
"You're overreacting. One afternoon is not avoidance. Were you expecting he'd hold your hand for the first week?"Sophia asks before calling out her clearance and requesting the dining floor.
"Kind of. Yes. I was at least expecting my first day."
"You have to stand on your own two feet here. Unfortunately, that sometimes means you'll be treated like a baby bird being taught how to fly. Leo's going to be a good trainer. Just trust him and don't be worried. Leo's a good guy."
"A good guy who's single?" Viawonders, biting her lip and rocking on her heels. "Forget it, that's embarrassing. Forget it." Via chews on a nail and avoids Sophia's eyes.
"That's why you're so hung up on him ditching you."
Via smiles at her feet and blushes before lifting shy eyes to Sophia. "So, single?"
"No, he's taken."
"Oh. By who?"
Sophia rocks from one foot to the other and doesn't look at Via. Via catches the meaning. Of course he'd like Sophia. Of course he's taken. Don't be ridiculous. He probably doesn't even like you.
Via sighs and disappointment starts to flow through her. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize."
"You're still thinking everything you want will be given to you without question. You want Leo, but he won't be bedazzled by you. The gleam of chancellor, spectre, won't work."
"How long have you been together?" Viawonders. Why not keep torturing yourself?
"Since June, I liked him from the start though, like you. He made me laugh. He was Kelly's friend first and they were play fighting in Kelly's room once. Leo got flipped onto his back and was recovering. He arched his back and ended up looking upside down at me and gave me this ridiculous lopsided grin. I was done after that. Sorry, I shouldn't be talking about this."
"It's fine. That's cute," Viaconsoles. Her insides roil and sink.
The doors to the elevator finally open and she and Via step into the dining room. It's a large room with modern-looking tables and chairs. There's a counter to order food at, almost any food you can think of. It's not particularly crowded at the moment, just a few analysts who keep forgetting to eat as they work and a small collection of other branches.
Sophia and Via order, Sophia getting curry, and Via ordering lasagna. The person manning the counter advises them to sit and they do, choosing a spot in the corner close to a male analyst.
Sophia seems to recognize the analyst and tries to get Via to move but it's already too late. The analyst spots them and strolls toward them. Sophia scoots away from him. He smiles at them.
Via doesn't know better and smiles at what she thinks is a friendly person. "Hi, welcome to the Guardians." The analyst offers a hand to Via and she takes it. He seems harmless enough, with dark eyes nearly hidden behind glasses, a smile that seems true enough, and dark hair with a small cluster of frosted tips where it swoops into a point.
"Thank you, I'm Eva-"
"Nesce. I've heard. News travels fast here. I'm Conner Barkley."
Sophia leans toward Via and whispers in her ear so Barkley won't hear. "Don't trust him or his brother. Both of them are smarmy and hate us. I beat Connor for the spectre analyst position. That may or may not be the reason for the hatred."
"Back off Barkley," Sophia calls to him once her whispering is over.
Conner raises his hands defensively and takes a step away. He keeps the grin on his face though. "You spectres, so high-strung. Why don't you try living a little, join us poor slogs in the trenches sometimes?"
Sophia rolls her eyes. The person at the counter calls that their food is ready and Sophia take the opportunity to escape Conner, and what Via guesses is one of the only threats she's ever known.

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