Chapter 35

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New York City, New York

The Ivory Tower

December 19, 227 P.F.E

0920 hours

"Open the door, Elite Chen."
Kelly, known as Elite Jasper Chen for the time being, throws open the door as wide as it will go for Via.
She straightens. Every Chancellorshe'd seen always walked into a room looking straight ahead like they had books on their heads to keep their posture upright. The trainers had actually put blocks on the student's heads for entire days to get their posture to be impeccable.
Via removes any nervousness from her expression, leaving only the syrupy expression of a chancellor. They always seemed to be just on the verge of smiling, glowing almost, but you could always see the strain in maintaining the appearance. It was more like a living statue for people to take photos with than a person.
Via takes one step into the room and then has the horrifying picture of tripping over her robes or feet and tumbling down the stairs of the lecture hall flash through her mind. Kelly would never let her fall of course. He hovers so close to her it's like he's her shadow, but the image is still there and it stops Via in her tracks.
Chancellor Belova, at the front of the room, claps her hands and brings the attention of the many candidates back to her. "Students, we are honored today to welcome our most recent graduate. She was given a position over a village up North and we are very grateful that she was able to make it here today to speak to all of you about her experiences. Welcome back, Chancellor Moss. It is a privilege to have you here."
Via takes the chancellor's little speech as an opportunity to walk down the rest of the steps. She moves a bit fast for what is acceptable of a chancellor but it's that or making a buffoonery of herself. She now stands in front of her former teacher and shakes her hand like an equal.
Chancellor Belova's warm caramel eyes shine as she takes in Via and it's like being hit by the searing rays of a thousand x-calibre guns to Via. She doesn't deserve to be on even ground with the chancellor.
The chancellor's elite inspects Kelly and gives him a nod as a way of greeting. The young woman gives Kelly and Via an odd look like they're trying to remember where they've seen them before. Via turns away from the elite and tries to hide her face. Kelly stares right at her with a smile twinkling in his eyes.
Chancellor Belova steps away and motions towards a small podium. Blinding lights shine in Via's eyes and she 's grateful that she can't actually see anyone in the audience. She's about to open her mouth to speak, to say the myriad of made-up experiences she'd supposedly had as a new chancellor over the past few months, most of whichshe'd imagined before when the light gets even brighter. The brightness is closely followed by the sound of an explosion.

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