Chapter 77

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A few kilometers outside of Ottawa, Ontario

The Lius'

December 22, 227 P.F.E

0800 hours

"Tell me that this whole thing has been cleared up. Spending the night in the woods was not ideal," Kelly says, picking at his bacon and eggs.
Almost the entire group is gathered in the kitchen. Leo is absent and Tatiana is huddled in the corner numbly eating her breakfast and staring at Belova.
"We got it all sorted out two hours ago. The commissioners aren't happy that we got them up so early for this. They think we of all people should have been able to handle it without causing a scene at the residence of the chancellor, and that we should have been able to save her."
"Are they going to punish her?" Belova sighs, meandering into the room with a bathrobe draped over her shoulders and a pair of Sophia's flannel pajamas hanging loosely from her frame. The burn on her chest was treated as well as they could manage from home and the treehouse but she still walks half-folded over. "I can't believe I escaped the Tower to be gunned down by my own elite. Why not just do it then?"
"She would have had to risk being seen by another elite or by a candidate. If he was seen by a candidate their word would shoot her down even if they were concussed, drunk, and blind. It was too risky, even in the chaos," Kelly explains between bites of his breakfast.
"She's getting a lighter sentence than we would have because of you being you. They think you're dead though, and we didn't exactly correct them. It doesn't matter," Sophia jumps in, patting Belova on the arm as the chancellor sits at the counter. "I'm going to see how Leo's doing. He's been out for a while." Sophia heads out, taking some breakfast with her.
"Do you want her to be punished?" Via wonders and sips some of her tea.
"Not particularly. She was so loyal and kind. I could talk to her! Though now I wonder if that was all fake. It's so strange to think you know someone and then realize that they aren't real and they just got close to you because they needed something from you. Why would she do it?"
"Only she can answer that question," Via sighs.
"Those wretched Southerners," Leigh growls. She smiles at Via's and Kelly's shocked expressions and shrugs. "I figure now that I'm dead I should try to live. No more chasing broken people's idea of perfection."
"Take it from me, most of the rule-breaking gets boring fast," Via answers.
"What's going to happen to me? It's not like I can hide out in the slums. I'll be recognized there," Leigh groans.
"Maybe they can take you with them, tonight?" Via looks to Kelly, who freezes with one bite halfway to his mouth.
"Yeah, about that; we've talked to Shadow. We can't take another person. We were stretched with Tatiana and even though Leigh's supposed to be dead another person increases the risk of us being caught. It will be dangerous enough as it is. If we had been able to send her with my parents then maybe we could do it. Not now though."
"So then what happens to Leigh? The Guardians want her dead. Can't we take her to North America? She'd do better there than here."
Leigh's eyes widen at Via's suggestion. "I don't think so. I may be a sympathetic chancellor- former chancellor- but that doesn't guarantee they'll accept me. As a chancellor, I would represent everything they hate about New America. They would hold me responsible for the war, the suffering, the stealing of memories, everything that the high governor is responsible for."
"Me. You go and leave me. It'll be safer. Being a spectre the worst they can do is wipe my memories and tell me a bunch of lies about my parents not being around, me not having a sister, hating Historians, and that my name is something else. No biggie." Kelly shrugs.
"Yes, biggie! Kelly, that's your identity! You can't give it up like that! Besides, you'd be breaking a certain little promise you made on your almost deathbed." Via warns him by holding up her pinkie.
"Well, then what will we do?" Kelly is getting frustrated and he gives up eating entirely.
"I can stay." Every head turns toward the whisper, inexplicably coming from Tatiana. Tatiana's head is down, but she's standing and her hands are clenched in fists at her sides. "I can stay."
"No. It makes sense. You said that Belova needs a replacement chancellor. I can be that replacement. I'm still technically first in the program. We can make up some excuse for my disappearance, like me being kidnapped by a Historian. That's basically true. If I stay then she can go."
"Tat, you said you couldn't go back!" Via argues. "You've just stopped being manic too!"
"Well, it's not like we have much choice. I think I can do it this time! I'll have you to help me through. If it works out then I'll be out in a few weeks and a chancellor." Tatiana walks as she processes, ending up by the counter and sitting next to Via. "I'll be okay. I'll have you, right?"
Via takes Tatiana's hand and smiles. "You will."
"Thank you." Leigh gasps.
"Has anyone seen Leo?" Sophia asks, interrupting the moment.
"No, we thought he was still asleep like you did. He's not in his room?" Kelly asks, getting up to put his dishes in the washer.
"No, he's gone. I looked around the basement, checked every room, I even called his screen. It was left in his room. You don't think he did something stupid, do you? He wouldn't try to free all the prisoners or try to make a run for the border?" Sophia starts pacing, yanking on one of her braids until she accidentally pulls out the hair tie.
"No, Leo wouldn't do something so stupid," Via counters.
Kelly nods and then checks his watch. "We can't take the time to find him right now. Leo can take care of himself. We've got to get our stuff together and get going. Now that who's coming is all sorted we have a train to catch." 

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