Alice needs to lose weight

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 Alice after the painful period of seeing her ex-boyfriend again in the same vacation area where she decided to spend her honeymoon and eat a reptile that could kill many vacationers on the island, now she needed to relax.

Alice was walking with her daughters after putting on a new bikini capable of containing her generous and very voluptuous body, she felt hungry and needed to eat dinner.

"GROOOOOAAAAAANNNNNN!!!!!!!" Alice's stomach rumbled loudly causing an erection in James who was spying on her.

"daughters... I need to go to dinner hehehehe" Alice said feeling embarrassed at the look of all the people around her

"Mom... but don't eat so much, remember that we have to train so that you burn off a large part of all the weight you've gained..." Selena commented nervously looking up at her mother who covered her whole view.

"Sister!!! Mom has been missing almost the whole day due to the reptile attack, let her enjoy a good dinner at least today!!!" Elena said trying to calm the situation

"Fine... but I'll be more demanding tomorrow" Selena said crossing her arms and pouting

"So girls, let's go to a restaurant for dinner!!!" Alice said with great encouragement


Alice walked to the closest restaurant she saw but the entrance was too small for her, but she was so hungry that she didn't care and started pressing her body to get through.

"Elena, Selena... help mom through!!!" Alice said smiling

"Honey... it feels a little tight here" thought Jean who was inside Alice's womb.

Elena entered the restaurant where a frightened waitress had dropped her tray on the floor in amazement to see a woman like Alice trying to enter the restaurant.

"Miss, would you be so kind as to help me get my mom through the door? I guarantee you a good tip" Elena said sweetly to the waitress

"Uh yeah, now I do"

"I will hold the right hand and you the left"

Meanwhile Selena was doing the hardest part, pushing her mother from behind which was very difficult, Alice's butt was very wide and each buttock weighed at least 120kg.

"Mom, make an effort!!!" Selena yelled as she pushed her mother's huge butt.

"Ahhhhhhh here we go, come on!!!!" Elena yelled as she tried to pull her mother's arm

"I do everything I can!!!" the waitress yelled

The whole scandal attracted the manager of the restaurant

"But can you tell what's going on here???" said the manager seeing his employee trying to help Alice enter the restaurant.

"Ohh!! I need your help to get me through!!!" Alice commented smiling

"Miss... our restaurant is not able to serve you... we don't have adequate chairs..." the manager said but was interrupted by Elena

"Sir, my mother is hungry and if you help me get her in, I promise she will eat everything in this restaurant, my mother already emptied a couple of restaurants yesterday on Amber Dawn Island"

"Ahhh Elena!!! how can you say that!!! mom must follow a diet!!!" Selena yelled behind Alice

The manager stopped, left to make a call, after finishing the call he yelled

"Hey!!! This woman is hungry, let her in!!!!" yelled the manager calling all available waiters

the manager and waiters ran to grab Alice's arms and help her through

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