Sweet Lotus rises thanks to Alice

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The doctor arrived at Alice's house to attend the delivery, she saw Alice's huge body with 10 adult people in her womb and a huge stomach still digesting the huge breakfast.

"Alice... I have to have a serious talk with you before attending the delivery"

"Uh yes doctor" Alice said blushing

"Alice...you have to be serious about this regression thing, grown people can handle your weight and huge food intake, but...it won't be the same when their bodies become more fragile as they get smaller and smaller." ...your stomach will crush them!! You must stop this...diet...that you are on..."

"Ehhh it was a celebration..."

"Don't celebrate like this again while you regress or are in the first 2 trimesters of pregnancy"

"Uhh doctor..."

"They are tiny lives... fragile... in need of protection, not to be crushed by their mother's stomach."

"It's okay..."

"Alice... I'll give you a diet to follow while you regress, no eating a whole tuna!" said the doctor while writing the new diet

"Yes doctor!"

"Here's the prescription, now... I'll attend the delivery" said the doctor giving a big sigh.

The doctor suffered a lot in attending the delivery, she had to avoid being crushed by Alice's huge belly that caused huge digestion sounds.


After 3 hours of labor, the doctor managed to deliver all the people in Alice's womb except for Iris and Natasha.

"Alice...isn't that your husband?" said the doctor when she saw Jean's body

"Hehehehehehe I love him...don't blame me for putting him in my womb too!"

"Sigh... well... let them rest... I have to retire now..." said the doctor feeling exhausted.

Ariadna, already awake, looked at Alice's enormous body.

"Alice! You're huge! Ehhh how will you model the clothes??? There are no maternity clothes in the company that you can model!" Ariadne said scared

"Ariadna... I'll undergo diets and exercises for health reasons... my future babies... meanwhile... I'll design prom and wedding dresses... happily we have models for those clothes" Alice said sighing

"Alice... okay... I hope Ana agrees" said Ariadna sighing.

"Trust me Ana will agree" Alice said smiling

"mmmm mom... my sister and I will help you... besides we also have to lose weight..." Selena said as she looked at her abdomen that was not flat

"Selena...we're all going to have to exercise..." Elena said seeing her tummy

"At least we had a lot of fun inside right?" Penelope said when she saw that her breasts had grown a lot.

"Wait! Jean hasn't put on any weight! It's not fair!" Amber said when she saw Jean

"And cover yourself!" Rose said as she tossed a towel over to Jean so her private parts couldn't be seen.

"mmm huh??"

"Jean! we are all naked!" Amber exclaimed.

"Uhh sorry!" Jean said as she covered herself.

"Well...I think we'll have to buy some new clothes..." Alice said smiling

"Alice! who's going to buy the clothes??! my boobs... are too big! none of us can afford it" Amber said looking at her new body

"Dad! since you didn't get fat you have to buy us clothes!" said Selena somewhat irritated

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