Chapter 2

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Holding onto the pillar to steady myself I looked at the helpless boy. He lay there in full view. I'll call him "Vessel" until I know his name. Vessel lay there in absolute stillness. Nothing but my shallow breath stirring the almost stagnant air. I breathed deeply, almost choking on the lingering scent. His skin was already bruising and his breathing began to sound in the room. Vessel's hair lay framing his face. I don't even know what he looks like. Time to find out, I guess.
I closed my eyes. Replaying what happened scene by scene in my head. As I opened my eyes, I felt the air stir and heard Vessel's breathing slowly return to a less abnormal slowness. "What do you want from me", a voice quivered inquiring at me. It was Vessel. I saw him. He was looking at me but didn't move his head. He's going to exhaust himself again. His body gave a violent shudder. All was silent for only a moment before I spoke.
"You shouldn't speak just yet", I answered in a gentle yet affirming voice. "I don't care for your affirming words human," Vessel answered "and stop calling me Vessel, it's quite degrading. You can call this body Frank. That's the name in this head", I saw a glint of teeth." Or just for you, you can call me Master", another glint of teeth flashed "since you're into that kind of thing."
It felt like my heart was sucked into my throat. I could only gasp for breath. My body was seized in panic.
Frank closed his eyes and took a deep breath, chuckling. "You're already attracted to this body, aren't you Gerard? We heard those foul thoughts in your head. He shuddered in delight. You want him, and you want to sate your curiosity. You want to make him scream and beg. You, Gerard are a man whose desires can be fulfilled with this body. That won't happen though, I want to pleasure you, make you feel immense pleasure," He paused and cocked his head to the side. "Frank doesn't mind, in fact his body is getting extreme pleasure just from seeing you". Franks body ghosted off of the floor and onto his feet. Darkness was tinting the edge of my vision.
"I- I" My mouth wasn't moving, I couldn't move it. I glared at Frank. Frank glided over the floor and gently came back to the ground in front of me. He cocked his eyebrow and smirked, "Cat got your tongue ?".
I wanted to say a few choice words but Frank made a "tsk tsk" noise and gave me a half crazed stare. "I'll let you have him Gerard. He wants you. Well, I on the other hand want to dominate and conquer you." I looked down at him and I wanted so badly to give in and say yes. I'm pretty sure all I have to say is yes and he will probably rip my clothes off and have me over a pew. His eyes were begging for me to say yes. I made sure to move my jaw and when I heard and felt it popping I knew he had relinquished his telepathic grip on my mouth. I looked at him and rested my eyes on his chest. It was bare, no blemishes or scars like there usually was when the ritual was performed. He was slender and built muscular. Of course I wanted him. I want him to want me.
He chuckled darkly and reached his fingertips to my jawline, slowly tracing. I felt myself tense and semi relax. His fingertips were soft. That was his chance to take control, bend me over a pew like a naughty altar boy. But he didn't. He just kept staring into my eyes, tracing my jawline. "Do you fear me Gerard?"

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