Chapter 15 - Household

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After buying the land, the work began.

As much as Keridel hated leaving, he had to travel back to Husil and the barge. He left after a few days, promising to be back in about a week, and leaving Garete behind to help Clarille and Hessa.

Clarille quickly put together a list of things that needed to be done around the villa and land. The biggest tasks were also the most obvious, cleaning and organizing what furniture was still tucked away in the dusty rooms. She looked over the building carefully, making notes on anything that needed to be repaired, purchased, or discarded. The gardens and vineyard needed work as well, but that was further down the line. As was attempting to restore the old Zian mosaic.

They started on some of the tasks. Clarille and Hessa cleaned one room after the other, while Garete helped move furniture. After a few days of hard work, Clarille decided that they needed help. Keridel had left more than enough money for food, and Clarille decided some of it could go towards hiring staff.

Clarille was hoping for four staff. Two field hands, a cook, and a housekeeper. To her surprise, they weren't hard to find.

On a trip into town to buy food, Hessa met a young woman named Alavi. After a lengthy conversation, Hessa brought Alavi back to the villa. Clarille, feeling like she should put in some effort to make the whole thing professional, met Alavi in the room she had already decided would function as Keridel's office.

"You're interested in employment?" Clarille said, sitting across from Alavi in a pair of mismatched chairs. Alavi was a Zian, as about half of the people in Lakeside seemed to be. Her worn dress was likely one of the nicest things she owned. Where Clarille would have once judged the appearance of the dress, she found herself instead wondering how comfortable it was. "Did you make your dress?"

Alavi nodded. "I did. I like sewing, when I have time to be creative and make things more interesting than pillow cases and sheets."

"It looks lovely," Clarille said. "So, let's get to business. What kind of employment are you interested in? I'm looking for a cook and a housekeeper."

"I can help with cooking," Alavi said. She tucked a ringlet of dark hair behind her ear. "But I would like to be your housekeeper. I can clean and mend clothing."

"That would be perfect." Clarille reached for her notes, ready to start talking about salaries and living quarters, when Alavi spoke up tentatively.

"Your handmaiden said I should tell you why I want employment. She said you would understand."

"Oh?" Clarille lay the papers on her lap. "All right."

"Well...." Even though the curl was still tucked snugly behind her ear, Alavi reached to do it again. "My family wants me to get married, but I don't want a husband. I want to make my own money, and live my own life. Maybe open a seamstress business in a bigger town or city. And then, maybe I'll get married. But I want to be my own person, before I become someone's wife or mother. Hessa said you would understand."

Clarille smiled. Hessa had been right, of course. She was more than happy to help Alavi work towards her dream. "Yes, I absolutely understand. Now, let's discuss your salary."


With Alavi to help clean and cook, work picked up over the next few days. The next addition to the household found them, coming up to the gates one day and shaking them until Garete went to see who was making so much noise.

Clarille met the woman in the office. She was an older Teltish woman, and instead of sitting down when Clarille did, she stood and planted her hands on her hips.

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