The job

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A week has passed since I last saw Atsushi. I finally was able to get ahold of someone to send in a job request for me at the agency. They said it might take a day or two for him to respond.

And hour after that meeting, I got a text message.

'(Y/n), I heard you are looking for a job at the agency. Why don't you come in today and we'll have a meeting to chat.'

I replied to that saying 'That would be great, I'm free around one.'

That was a lie, I was free all day but it would give me a chance to get ready.

He sent the address of the building. For some reason I have this off feeling but of course I must ignore it. If there's a chance I could work with Dazai and get closer to him; it's a chance I must take.

I just want this mission to be over with already.

Around one I got to the building the address sent me to.

I took a deep breath and walked in. It was quite empty. I was about to leave until I heard someone yelling.

"You better give me the information we demand or we shoot him!" The person yelled.

When I got to the room it was the blonde being held captive by some orange haired kid. I noticed Atsushi was holding up his hands in front of the gun the orange has pointed at him.

"What's going on?" I ask, calming walking up to them with my arms up.

"Who are you?!" He yelled.

"Listen, I'm not sure what's happening.. but I'd like you to put the gun down and we can talk about this calmly." I spoke clearly.

He points the gun at the blonde who I met the other day.

I activate my ability on the small part of the floor the orange haired guy was standing.

The cracks formed a circle and he dropped the gun and the blonde as he fell halfway through the floor.

"Ugh, that'll cost some money to fix that." The blonde sighs.

"How are you calm? You just had a gun pointed at your head." I scoff.

"Congratulations! You passed." Dazai cheered as he appeared behind me.

"What do you mean I passed?" I ask.

"Well, the president got information about you wanted to join the agency." The blonde starts off.

"I recognized your name and I convinced the president to accept you." Atsushi mentions.

"But of course, we can't just let anyone in. We must make sure they're capable of doing the job." Dazai finishes.

"Why do I always have to be the bad guy though." The orange sighs while he struggles to get out.

I grab his hand and help him out of the hold I created.

"Sorry about that, I'm Junichirō." He introduced himself once he got out of the hole.

"Welcome to the agency (Y/n)." Dazai put his hand on my shoulder as everyone smiles.

"So you passed." Another voice came into play.

Dazai's hand escaped my shoulder as we all turned to face the voice.

"Atsushi said I wouldn't regret it, and I believe him. Welcome to the agency (Y/n). I'm Fukuzawa, but everyone either calls me President or President Fukuzawa." The male with white hair and a green kimono on spoke.

"Thank you." I smile.

"I didn't know you wanted to work at the agency." Atsushi brings my attention to him as everyone goes into their own conversations.

"I didn't know you worked at the agency." I replied.

"Yeah, I guess that's fair." He laughed nervously.

"So, where's the new girl?" Someone else spoke.

Before I could even turn around she put her arm around my shoulder.

"Do you drink?" She smirks.

"Yeah, why?" I ask.

"You and I are going to have fun tonight. I'm Yasano by the way." She smiles.

"What's tonight?" Atsushi mumbles as if he's scared to know.

"I'm throwing a party and of course whats a party without some alcohol." She mentions.

The rest of the day I got to know Ranpo, Kenji, Kyōka and Junichirō's sister Naomi. I also found out that the blonde guys name is Kunikida.

"I'll show you tomorrow what we do on a daily basis." Dazai mentions.

"Alright." I reply as I assume we were going to leave for the day.

"(Y/n), don't leave yet. It's time to party!" Yasano cheers.

"Oh, okay." I mumbled as she hands me a glass of something.

I'm unsure what she poured me but I bet you it's something strong.

I took one small sip and instantly regretted it. I know it's strong as hell. It's not like I don't have a high alcohol tolerance; it's the fact that one I start drinking I won't stop till I pass out.

"Dazai." I call over.

"What's that matter?" He walks over to me.

"I'm going to start drinking, I know I might pass out so if I do just put me some place comfortable please." I sigh, I hate having to say that but I have such a bad alcohol problem.

"So watch over you, got it." He smirks.

I can care less about what he's thinking right now. Yasano and I start going bottle after bottle.

We must've finished at least two bottles already.

Everything is a blur, it's as if I need glasses to see and hearing aids to hear. It doesn't exactly matter though, I'm still having fun. Yasano and I are dancing very drunkly.

The next thing I remember is people talking and me in someone's arms.

"Where am I?" I ask


I was unable to hear a word. However I fell asleep after that anyway.

The case of Osamu Dazai (Dazaixreader)Where stories live. Discover now