The guest

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From then on things only gotten worse. Dazai and I got a bit distant but not much. We still talk to each other and occasionally he'd kiss me in private. That wasn't the last time him and I had sex either. So it seemed like we weren't getting distant; but we didn't have time for each other.

We spent a whole week trapped down there with Aeron while the President and the others fought my former boss. They weren't expecting it to be who it was; and they said he can't hurt us anymore. That doesn't mean his helpers won't harm us.

Ever since that night I'd have the same nightmare about my past over and over again. Except instead of Cam being found dead, it was Dazai.

It was almost like that night happened all over again it's just with Dazai as a replacement.

"Issy! What did you want to speak about?" He asks.

Issy was my fake name at the time.

"I want you to take this and run. I have no time to explain but please get as far away as you can!" I plead.

"Issy, whatever's wrong I can help. I hate how you think you can take on the world yourself," he scoffs.

"Just fucking go before anything happens!" I yell.

That was my first mistake. I led them straight to us.

"Now go!" I cry.

"No! Tell me what's going on!" He demands.

"Issy, just admit it. Your little boy toy doesn't want to follow by your rules," the boss smirks.

"Go," I whisper to him as he still refuses. He's standing in front of me like a total idiot!

"Come on darling, I told you not to get to close with your targets." He smirks as he steps closer.

"Don't-" he tries saying.

The next thing I hear is gun shots and everything becomes a blur as my eyes fill with tears.

"Come on, you need some more lessons. I shouldn't have entrusted you with a long term mission," the boss sighs as he takes me away.

I quickly woke up for what seems to be the hundredth time.

"You're okay," Dazai holds me close. "What we're you dreaming about?"

"Just that I fell, that's all," I lie, I couldn't tell Dazai about the dream. "What are you doing up?"

"You were tossing and turning. I just got worried," he admits as he kisses my forehead.

"This is your fifth time getting up just tonight. Ever since the first time we kissed it happened.
Did I do something?" He asks.

"No! Of course not, it's just with everything that went on is all," I sigh.

He sighs and kisses my forehead, "Are you comfortable enough to try and sleep again?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine," I mumbled as I lay back down with him.

In the morning I woke up to Dazai not there. It's been like that for almost every time he stays over now.

"Sis, wake up. Someone is here for you," Aeron shook me.

"For me?" I ask again.

"Yeah for you," he scoffs.

"Okay, tell them I'm coming," I mumbled as I get up and get sweatpants on over my shorts.

I get to the door and my jaw drops. Loyd is standing right outside.

"Sorry, you have the wrong place," I shut the door on his face.

"Yū, wait!" He holds the door open. "The boss isn't gone. I don't fucking know what you did, but I came to warn you."

"What?" I ask.

"If you haven't noticed; I'm not with the boss. I never wanted that job, please believe me!" He begs.

"Let me get my shoes," I shut the door on his face.

"Is he from your old work?" Aeron asks.

"I'll be back, do your school and tell dazai if he comes back that I want out for a bit," I mention.

"You're not going to go back are you?" My brother pleads as he follows me.

"Of course not, I'll be back. I promise," I hold out my pinky as his eyes begin to tear up.

"If I don't see you within four hours, I'm telling Dazai," he mentions.

"If I don't make it back by then, I'll at least text you so you know I'm fine," I smile.

"Please be safe," he hugs me as I'm getting my shoes on.

I put on a hoodie since I'm only in sweatpants and a tank-top.

I run out the door where I quickly take loyd away from the apartment.

"So what's going on?" I ask.

"It's the boss, he's extremely sick. He said that before he dies he wants to kill you first. He said you were a danger to society," Loyd mentions.

"Shit, is he here in Japan?" I ask.

"Yeah, that's why I'm here. I get it you don't want to work for the job anymore; I don't blame you. However until you're safe I say to leave the country by tomorrow," he warns.

"I can't do that, if I just move apartments I'll be fine; right?" I ask.

"I don't know, you shouldn't put your name I to any new buildings. Maybe stay with you boyfriend or something?" He mentions.

"Boyfriend?" I question his word he used.

"Dazai; your old target," he reminds me.

"Him and I aren't dating," I correct him.

"Oh, I thought you were. I'm sorry Yū. But stay with him, he should be dead within the next week or so," Loyd replies.

He then gets a call and it was very obvious it was the boss. He answered and immediately got yelled at. Although the boss sounded extremely ill.

"I have to go, please. Take my advice," he sighs.

"Okay, I will," I agree as I stop at the alcohol store before I went back home.

"Aeron, I'm back," I call since it wasn't that long.

"Are you okay?!" He runs towards me.

"Yes, I'm fine. I told you I would be," I smile as he hugs me tightly.

"Can he tell me where you went now?" Dazai asks walking into my view.

I fucked up. He'd kill me if he found out who I let literally take me away from my house and talk to me.

"I went to get alcohol," I mention.

"So why does he think you would've been in trouble?" Dazai asks.

"I don't know, but can we stay at your place? I need to move like now," I change the subject.

"Explain later," he sighs.

"We're staying with you?" Aeron asks.

"Yeah, go pack," he smiles as Aeron leaves us alone. "What's the fucking meaning of this?" Dazai keeps his voice low.

"I'll explain when we're alone, I'm sorry," I mumble.

"You better, you're having me worry," he softens his voice and kisses me.

I wish to just crash in his arms. I know I have to keep my cool though.

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