A battle

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Later during the night; Aeron passed out on Dazai's bed as Dazai and I are out on the couch.

"So what happened?" He asks as I grab my alcohol I bought.

"Give me a minute," I chug from the bottle.

Dazai grabs the bottle away from me and takes a bit himself before putting it away.

"Now explain," he demands.

"My old co-worker told me that my formal boss is planning to kill me. He apparently is extremely sick and only has a few weeks left," I mention.

"And you trust him enough to go with him? Do you realize how dangerous your stunt you just pulled was?!" Dazai snaps.

"I trust him, he's the only one I would've trusted," I mumble.

"Am I unable to leave you alone until those weeks are over?" He sighs.

I sit in silence; wishing I'd have my bottle in front of me.

"Just text me if this happens again. I want to make sure you're safe," he pulls me into a hug.

When we broke out of the hug I grabbed my bottle from where he put it and started chugging it.

"Save some for me," Dazai took the bottle from me and drank the rest.

"Asshole, I was drinking that," I mutter.

"So was I," he smirks as he puts the bottle on the table. He pulls me close to him and kisses me.

"You're a dick," I whisper as we barley pull away.

"Whatever you say," he kisses me again.

This time it lasted longer. He backed me into a wall as well.

His hands went to my waist as he squeezes it anytime the kissing would get intense.

The butterflies in my stomach was a whirl of emotions as we kept going till he pulls away for air.

My hands go on his chest as I look up at him out of breath.

"God dammit (Y/n), you know you're impossible right?" He scoffs with his shaky voice.

"I didn't even say anything," I mention.

"You don't have to," he continues to kiss me.

The next morning we decided to have Chuuya watch Aeron just so nothing happens to him. Dazai and I warned the president of everything.

"(Y/n), I'd like you and your little brother to be safe. Do you think you're ready to fight your boss if worse comes to worse?" He asks.

I hesitated for a second as I thought about it. "What choice do I have?" I ask.

Later on Atsushi stayed in the office with me as everyone else was out on a mission.

There was a huge crash coming from downstairs. By the time we looked at each other in shock we were surrounded.

"Yū, you have one last chance," the boss spoke between coughs. "Either come with us, or perish."

I look at Atsushi who is already ready to fight them. He looks at me for my answer.

"I'm not going back to you," I scoff as atsushi toons that as a signal to attack.

I tried to use my ability as less as I could.

"Come on Yū, what about everything you've been through?" He tried to manipulate me. "You were like my child; is this seriously what you want?"

"Shut up!" I yell as Atsushi tries to interrupt.

"(Y/n)! Don't let him get to you," he struggles with all the the bosses minions surrounding him.

I used my ability; that the boss was so afraid of, on him. Cracks started forming all over his body as he screamed in pain.

"Yū, we can fix.. this," he winces from the pain.

I keep my mouth shut since I need to focus so my ability doesn't take me with him.

"I took you in, the least we could do is talk about this." He mumbles

I notice someone running at me in the corner of my eye but Atsushi handled it.

The boss shattered into a million pieces as blood and all the other gross gory things.

I notice cracks started to form on my wrists.

I try and calm down but it's a fail, everything twirls around me as Atsushi knocked out the last person.

In the distance I hear someone calls my name. It wasn't too far but my vision blurred as someone ran into me.

"(Y/n)!" They distantly called as my eyes shut from exhaustion.

I slowly woke up as I gained consciousness. As I open my eyes Dazai was sitting in a chair next a a hospital bed that I was in. It was apart of the agency though.

"You're awake," he sighs in relief.

I look around and it seems to be night since it's dark outside.

"Yeah, I'm awake," I whisper.

My voice is all dry and scratchy.

"God dammit (y/n). If you're going to try and die on me; at least let me die with you," Dazai scoffs.

I smile as Yasano walks in.

"Oh so she's awake now?" Yasano says.

"Yeah, I'll take her from here," Dazai helps me up as Yasano keeps an eye on us.

On my arm I noticed my arm was wrapped up and it still was bleeding through.

"They stitched your arm up. You never told me you had more than just that one. I noticed it when I got you changed," Dazai mentions.

"It wasn't relevant," I mumble.

"I'm surprised I didn't notice it before," he sighs.

"Dazai! What are you an idiot?!" Kunikida yells. "(Y/n) should be resting! Not dilly dallying with you."

"I'm taking her back to my place. Her brother is probably worried," he mutters.

"Bring him here, what if she opens her wounds again?" Kunikida worries.

"I'll be fine, I feel fine," I but in as I walk past everyone.

Atsushi wasn't in sight. I just hope they're alright.

The walk back to Dazai's was a blur but as soon as I walked in Aeron greeted me.

"Chuuya had to drop him off because he was going on a mission," Dazai explains.

I nod as Aeron hugs me.

The rest of the night we watched a movie until he fell asleep. Aeron didn't ask questions since he knew I wouldn't answer them.

Dazai and I covered up Aeron in a blanket and put a pillow under his head on the couch so he could sleep.

I laid in Dazai's bed and got comfortable. Dazai laid down next to me as he put his hand lightly on my arm.

"I'm assuming it was from your ability?" He asks.

I nod since I don't want to speak. I feel embarrassed for letting my ability get the best of me.

"Don't worry, you're safe now," he whispers in my ear as we both drift off to sleep.

That's the end of it. Dazai and I never actually got together; but we won't see anyone else and we live with each other. I count that as being with him.

We didn't need kids since we got Aeron. Everyone at the agency knew before we told them too.

Of course none of this stopped us from having fun some nights; but what else did you expect.

We also got into a bigger apartment so Aeron had his own room.

The case of Osamu Dazai (Dazaixreader)Where stories live. Discover now