The mission

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Almost a month has gone by since then. I haven't seen Chuuya since. Dazai has been getting comfortable; at least from what he shows. I can't believe anything he says though.

"(Y/n), I got permission for us to go on a mission!" Dazai cheers as he drags me out of the office.

"That doesn't mean fool around," I groan as I wasn't done with my paperwork.

Dazai didn't let me see the details, and the roads we were taking seemed familiar.

"Dazai, where are we going?" I ask for the hundredth time.

"We're here," he stops as a house. It's the childhood house I ran away from.

I back away as I see someone walk out of the house.

"Hello!" Dazai greats him.

It was my brother. He was only six when I left so there's a very low chance he knows me. He's grown and I'm sure he's about fourteen now. Damn the age I left that house I visit when he's the same age.

"My father is home, if you want to come in," he mumbles.

"That would be great," Dazai walks towards the door as I stay put about ten feet away from the house.

"You coming?" He asks.

"No, I refuse. Go in without me," I cross my arms.

Dazai grabs my hand and pulls me towards the house.

"This is very unprofessional of you, let's go," he grits his teeth.

I sigh and let him drag my in the house. We follow my brother who I forgot his name.

"It's you," my father groans when he sees Dazai.

"I'm working on the other team now, no need to have such hatred," Dazai smiles and sits down.

"I already talked to your co-workers, they told me that I wasn't seeing my daughter. So what are you here to prescribe me meds?" He asks before I come out.

I sigh and mentally prepare myself. Though I'm not mentally prepared.

Dazai kept me behind the wall of the entrance to the living room.

"I think you're mistaken. I'm not here for that reason," Dazai assures him as he walks into the living room; dragging me into it.

My father just looks at me with a blank stare. Tears start to fill his eyes as I stand their uncomfortable.

"I'm leaving," I mutter.

"No, you're not. Just stay out for a bit," Dazai sighs as he wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"But, how?" My father was at a loss of words.

I see empty beer and whiskey bottles by his chair. I see he's still an alcoholic.

"I told you from the start, I never killed her," Dazai assures him.

"Where were you?" He asks while taking two steps forward.

"I went away to a different start for awhile. It was nice honestly," I remark.

"So you're the sister that left me in this shit hole?" My brother complains.

"Aeron, don't be rude!" Father yells

"My apologies, you were just a baby when I left," I reply.

"Give me a moment to call your mother. She'll be thrilled to see you!" The man is lying right to my face.

As soon as he walked out of the room my brother spoke up again. "This your boyfriend? Don't tell me you're pregnant."

This little shit is rude.

"I don't know, am I your boyfriend (Y/n)?" Dazai teases.

"No, he's not my boyfriend and I'm definitely not pregnant," I sigh.

"Does that mean I have a chance? You didn't say definitely not my boyfriend," he smirks.

"No," I hiss.

"Alright you guys, don't need to flirt in front of me," he scoffs.

"If you hate it so much here, why not leave. I did, and I turned out better than if I stayed here." I suggest.

"Because I have no where to go. Besides they'd find me," he admits.

"Why don't you stay with (Y/n)? Have her take care of you," Dazai suggests.

"Really?" His eyes glisten.

I didn't sign up for this at all. I can barley afford just myself.

"I called your mother, she said she'd be right home," father mentions.

She's going to argue with me, that's for sure.

"She's going to argue with me, I'm taking Aeron and leaving," I brought him to get his things.

"Awe (Y/n), don't be like that," he wobbles over with us. He's so drunk he can barely stand.

He passed out before I could argue back.

"Let's go, before the bitch gets home," I scoff.

"(Y/n), do you even know how to take a care of a kid?" Dazai asks.

"Well, no. But it can't be that hard," I sigh.

"Okay, I'm ready," he puts on his book bag and we run back to the office.

"You know, I brought you there because something has been happening there. I didn't expect you to gain a kid," Dazai mentions as we get to the agency.

"You're going to stay at work with me for a bit," I tell Aeron; ignoring Dazai.

"That's fine, do you think they'd find me?" He asks.

"If they do this is a very special building with special people in it," I mention as my ability comes to my mind.

Theres a possibility he has a powerful ability too. If he comes with me to work with me, we'd be an unstoppable duo.

"Uhh (Y/n), who's the kid with you?" Atsushi asks as soon as we walk in.

"He's just going to chill with us until my shift is over," I mention.

"(Y/n), you do know this is no place for a child?" Kunikida scolds me and Dazai.

"Kyōka is about the same age as him," I remind them.

After work I was walking with Aeron and Dazai. I'm still pissed at Dazai for bringing me there, but I can't be so mad.

"Where are we all sleeping tonight?" Dazai asks.

"We? I'm only taking Aeron back to the house," I correct him.

"I'm not going to just leave you two alone," he lectures me.

"We'll be fine, I have my ability," I remind him.

"Just for tonight, I'm not leaving you both," Dazai sternly spoke.

"Just let him, besides he's not that bad," Aeron takes Dazai's side.

"I saved you from our parents, who's side are you on?" I sarcastically ask.

"Considering you guys are dating, if I'm on your side it would also be his side," Aeron mentions.

"We are not dating!" I groan.

"We so are," Dazai whispers to Aeron.

Once we got back to my apartment, I pull out the other bed from when I got the apartment. Aeron slept on that while Dazai slept in my bed.

They both refused to have it any other way.

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